Chapter 7 (Part 2)

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Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

-Friedrich Nietzsche

Every year is filled with good times and fights and struggles and misunderstandings. All of it adds up to being in a band over a long time.

-Stone Gossard

Previously on Jack Atlas x Reader......

"You will never find us, mortals! We will rule this world before you can do anything about it! The shadows will rise and the shadow soldiers will defeat you all! No one can stop the shadow spirits, not even a human can face our wrath!" You said, "Something tells me that voice is one of our enemies."

****Several hours later****

You became frustrated at how you were getting nowhere with this entire thing. Jack said, "Just calm down, Y/N. I'm sure there's a way that we can find these freaks." You stop, "No Jack, I will not calm down! I don't understand how you're so calm about something that could potentially destroy this world! None of this makes sense. First there's a strange light that randomly appears, then people start to disappear without a trace and now we have voices claiming that they'll rule the world." You add, "They all have to be connected somehow." Yusei let out a sigh, "Y/N I get that you want to find out who's behind this but you can't just jump on a bandwagon without knowing what you're up against." You leave the warehouse and Yusei asked, "Did I say something wrong?" Akiza replied, "I think that she just needs to clear her mind." Jack said, "I'm going to follow her."

You were in front of the stone tablet you all saw before. "That's one old looking tablet. It looks like something out of an old story or something." "I know, and I'm going to find some clues in order to make this blurry confusion a bit clearer." "I wonder what everyone else thinks about this. I don't think anyone would want to know what kind of danger we're in now." "I agree, this is just the beginning of the long process of getting ready for battle."

You took a glance at the carvings and gently touch the rock. You said, "These pictures. That's the Crimson Dragon, but why now? What does the Crimson Dragon have to do with this?" "Y/N, what are you doing?" You knew whose voice that was and you respond, "I'm looking for clues, Jack and I don't need you to babysit me." Jack became annoyed, "Why can't you just stop?!? We all know what we're up against! Why can't you just wait?" You said, "If I waited, then the enemy would be one step ahead of us, Jack! No one knows who is behind any of this and no one wants to be the next victim!" You didn't say anything else and went back to looking at the carvings. You were trying to figure out why this was happening.

You touch the piece of stone once more as you were beginning to realize how much danger the world was in. You said, "Jack, come here for a second." Jack said, "What?" You reply, "Take a look at that picture there. Doesn't it look familiar?" Jack's eyes widen, "That's the Crimson Dragon! Why is it on this rock though?"

You both heard a sudden cackle, "Oh poor mortals! Can't even find what they're looking for!" You froze at the deep voice that spoke to the both of you. You didn't speak, knowing that if you said anything that it would backfire on the both of you. Your heart began to beat with the fear of a thousand people inside of you. This is not good.

The demon spoke in a sadistic tone, "I'm looking forward to seeing how you mortals handle this. I'd love to talk more but I must be going." The dark spirit faded as Jack yelled, "Stop!" You remark, "Jack, don't. It isn't worth your time. Besides, at least we know what one of them looks like."Jack said, "That doesn't make it any better, Y/N! We still have no clue of who these freaks are yet!" You didn't reply, knowing that Jack was right about what he just said. You finally speak after several minutes of silence, "You're right, Jack. We have to look into this more. We don't know what's at stake and we have to be ready just in case something does happen to one of us."

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