Chapter 7 (Part 1)

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He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore ourselves?

-Friedrich Nietzsche

He is a man of courage who does not run away, but remains at his post and fights against the enemy.


"Help us! Please, somebody! We don't know where we are. Help us fight the shadows before the darkness takes over and before our world perishes before the hands of the shadow spirits." "Milady. Lady Y/N, wake up." You bolted up, body drenched in beads of damp, heated perspiration. Your spirits became extremely concerned at your current state of mind. "What is on your mind, milady?" "Arcanite, did you see that too?" "Yes I did, milady." "I have a bad feeling right now." You grimace in pain when you feel that familiar burning sensation on your arm. You whisper, "The signer marks. That must mean—" Dark Magician Girl finished your sentence, "That everyone else can feel it too." You glance at the clock as it read 1:00 A.M. "We have to go investigate, if we don't who know what might be going on as of now, Y/N."

You had changed out of your pyjamas and into something more suitable for this situation. You suddenly saw a commotion on Daedalus Bridge. "Why would there be so many people out this late?" "I don't know but we have to get to the root of this problem. We don't know what might be happening right now."

Jack groaned in pain as he went downstairs. He saw Yusei and Crow there as well. Yusei asked, "Is your mark burning too, Jack?" He let out of huff, "Of course it is, Yusei. I don't know why it's doing this at this time." Crow responds, "It must mean that one of us is near us or somewhere close to where we are." Jack thought, "Maybe it's Y/N. That girl is always getting her head into other people's business. I can't say that I'm complaining though, she's—Hold on! I can't feel that way about her!" Yusei remarks, "Let's go, we don't have much time."

Luna said, "Leo, look!" Akiza responded to Luna, "My mark's glowing too, so is Leo's. I don't have a very good feeling about this. I'm sure Yusei and the others might be feeling the same as we do."

You felt the mark scorch your arm as you gazed at the large crowd. "Something seems too weird." "Why would you say that?" "First, it's late at night and second, look at their eyes." "You're right, they look like they haven't been sleeping." "That's not what I mean! I mean, look at their pupils." "Now I see, the colour isn't normal and they look like zombies." "Hit the nail on the head, Dark Magician Girl." You heard the sound of engines pulling up, you turn to see the other signers coming up to the side of Daedalus Bridge in question. Akiza asked, "Y/N, what's going on? Why are our marks burning so much?" You answer, "I don't know but I don't have a good feeling about this, Akiza." You then remember something, causing your eyes to widen. Yusei said, "Y/N, what is it?" You whisper, "The shadows." Jack said, "I'm not following." You tell them about the nightmare you had earlier. Jack asked, "What does that have to do with anything?" You said, "Whoever said that meant that there's someone here who doesn't take nicely to having a peaceful and safe world. They want one that's filled with misery and chaos." "They also want this world filled with their own kind." "I was about to say that too." "There's a lot we don't know about these creatures. Especially the one from before." "Those creatures are strange though, they say something and then they disappear." "It is very strange indeed." You add, "Apparently, from what I saw in that nightmare, the enemy wants to make this world into one that is fit for darkness."

Your heart felt like it was sinking, falling almost. You didn't know why but you also knew that you had to hide your true feelings in order to survive this mess. You didn't want anyone to get hurt because of a poor decision. You wanted to know, but you didn't have the courage to ask or tell someone about the crisis at hand. Who were you supposed to tell? You couldn't tell Yusei, he would immediately tell everyone else about the entire thing. You felt lost but at the same time you were losing hope before the real fight even began.

Iniquity. Something that can't be stopped unless someone risks their life in order to do so. The steps being taken to stop it are being ignored. The perils of this world will thought about. Hunger, lust and the feelings similar to them will be felt when the time comes.

It became harder. Hiding those feelings of unease wasn't easy to do. You realized how similar this crowd was to the people you had seen the first time the beam of luminescence had appeared. Their pupils, blank and seen without a sign of life. The needs of the citizens of both areas not known as you all saw the skies become darker and darker. The world of the human race with its fate unknown to all.

"Y/N, we have to do something about this." That was Yusei's first concern. You reply, "I know and I'm trying to figure something out. We need to put our heads together, guys. None of us know what is happening to our beloved city and we need to find the source of this problem." Jack said, "Maybe that huge commotion has something to do with it." Maybe Jack was right. That crowd does seem too large for something good to happen. It had to be something else. "Y/N, the crowd, it's growing larger." "I know, I can tell by how they're all spreading out. This seems way too suspicious." "I agree, Y/N." This had to be because of something. What was it though?

You pushed through the crowd and saw a large stone tablet. Yusei came up behind you, shock clear in his sapphire eyes. "What is that thing?" You answer, "Your guess is better than mine, Yusei." You went closer to observe the piece of stone, as you saw several carvings within it. There was an abrupt wind that blew everyone (including both you and Yusei) back from the tablet. You felt the burning sensation of the signer mark still lingering on your body. What was that thing and how is it connected?

Time. Something that there isn't enough of. The devilry, the sadistic cries of laughter; all of it leads to one person. Someone who leads the way to a broken chapter in a torn book, the howls of victory of the nightmare that is just beginning.

Akiza asked, "What does that rock have to do with those disappearances and that weird light?" You whisper to yourself, "That light, it could be where everyone is. It must be absorbing everyone in New Domino and the Satellite." Jack had heard you and remarks, "If that was even possible it would happen, Y/N." You reply, "Don't you see, Jack? It is possible! Think about it, none of us knew about those disappearances until that light appeared."

"You will never find us, mortals! We will rule this world before you can do anything about it! The shadows will rise and the shadow soldiers will defeat you all! No one can stop the shadow spirits, not even a human can face our wrath!" You said, "Something tells me that voice is one of our enemies."

To be continued....

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