Chapter 17

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A/N: short chapter!! I'm so tired and stressed. I had a panic attack yesterday while I was working and my body is still out of it. I don't is stressing me out and I haven't had the best couple of weeks so far....I'm going to shut up now so you guys can read.

All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, desire.

The soul never thinks without a picture.

How is this little mark on my duel runner connected to everything? You didn't understand how or why the mark was there. You knew that it did not mean anything good for all of you. You touch your duel runner and flinch back when it shocked you. "That's very strange." "What is? My duel runner shocking me or this entire thing?" "Mostly the duel runner." You all pause when you hear something thunder outside. That aura. You quietly listen for the source of the sound. "It sounds like it's coming from somewhere near here." You mentally agreed with the female spirit. "What's wrong?" You clutch your heart, "Geez Crow! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Crow replied, "Well sorry, someone had to ask." You ask, "Do you feel anything weird right now?" Crow shook his head, "No I don't feel anything weird. Maybe you're just imagining it." You reply, "I know there's something out there, I can feel it. I just know it." You add, "This fight isn't over, Crow. I just hope that this doesn't get too ugly too fast."

Yusei had a look of concern in his sapphire eyes. He watched you as your eyes would just stare at the sky of pure ultramarine. Leo asked, "What's with Y/N? Why does she look so scared?" Yusei exhaled, "I have no idea."

You felt someone tug at your sleeve, "Y/N?" You saw Luna giving you a look of concern. You smile weakly, "I'm sorry Luna, I was spacing out." I can't tell them about the other aura, it's to dangerous. If I did, they'd all be in grave danger.

"Come on Y/N! Quit being such a worry wart!" Dark Magician Girl became annoyed at Amores' statement, "Really Amores? That's not helping her feel any worse than she already is." You sigh, "Stop you two, it's not helping this predicament if you two keep bickering." You didn't say anything else after that. Dark Magician exhales, "She seems more stressed than usual. She needs to relax."

"Where did she go?" Yusei shakes his head, "Jack, I think that we should leave Y/N alone. She needs some time alone right now." Jack gazed at the spot where your runner once was. Please don't stress.

You kept staring at your runner, not knowing what to do. You whisper to yourself, "What am I supposed to do? I don't want anyone to get hurt because of this." You quietly ask, "What do I do you guys?" Dark Magician Girl and Dark Magician look at each other for a moment and shrug in uncertainty. You felt a hand on your shoulder, "Hey there." You said, "Martha." Martha adds, "Come inside, it's cold out here."

Martha sets a mug in front of you and questions, "What's bothering you? You're more quiet than usual, dear." You clutch the mug and begin to speak, "It's this entire thing, Martha. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of how dangerous this situation has gotten." Martha replied, "Yusei went through the same thing." You ask, "He did?" Martha nodded, "He's as stubborn as Jack when it came to his friends. He never accepted help until he realized that he couldn't do it alone." She adds, "Don't be afraid to ask for help. Your friends will always be there for you." Martha came over to you and hugged you in comfort. You reply, "I'm afraid that they won't be there when I need them." Martha became confused, "Why on earth would you say that?" You reply, "It's the enemy, Martha! None of us can relax when they're watching our every move!" Martha replied, "Calm down Y/N." You realized you tone of voice and closed your watering eyes, "I'm sorry. I—" Martha held you close to her body and said, "Shh, let it out honey. Don't cry. Everything will be okay, I promise." You sniff, "I doubt that."

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