Chapter 5

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Chapter quotes:

I love those who can smile in trouble, who can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis  of little minds to shrink, but they whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves their conduct, will pursue their principles unto death.

-Leonardo Da Vinci

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

-Helen Keller

Lost. That's the first thing you felt when you thought about what was happening right now. You didn't know what you were going to do.

Why am I one of them though? Couldn't it have chosen someone who has more courage and is more strong-willed. You were back at the orphanage and you were helping Blister as much as you could. "You okay?" You jump, nearly dropping a pile of books that were in your hand. Blister said, "Okay, I think that you've been helping me more than you think. You need to rest, Y/N. I know that you're worried about Martha and the children, but you're going to get sick if you keep doing this to yourself. I worry about you too." You sigh, "This is just sinking in. I don't know what to say or what to do, Blister." Blister remarks, "Go relax, I can take care of everything here Y/N."

"You're doing it again, Y/N." "It's not my fault that I worry about everyone." "Blister is right, Lady Y/N. You're going to become ill if you keep doing this to yourself." You heard a crash from downstairs and quickly went to investigate.

"I told you that it would fall, Crow!" "Oh be quiet Jack!" You asked, "What's going on?" The two boys froze when they heard you. "Oh they're so going to get it now." Before you could add anything else, Jack and Crow dragged you outside, towards your duel runner. "Why are they in such a rush?" "I don't know but I think they want to show me something, Amores." "This is why I don't like it when you get dragged into something like this, Y/N." You questioned them, "Where are we going?" Crow said, "Explanations can wait, just follow us." You did as you were told and followed them.

You found yourself back at the warehouse where all three boys lived, but it wasn't lively as usual. The environment was full of worry and shock. "Something isn't right here. There's one person that's missing." You saw Akiza, Yusei and Leo with their hands clasped together as if they were trying to think of something. Yusei said, "Y/N, good you're here." You became confused, "What's wrong guys? Why do you need me here now?" You suddenly felt something, "Actually hold that thought you guys." Akiza asked, "Why? What's wrong?" You didn't respond and felt your feet move on their own. Leo said, "We should follow her." Everyone agreed with what Leo was saying now.

"Y/N." "I know, I can feel it too. This mark on my arm is burning so much. It's like it's trying to show me something." "Just a little more and we'll be there." "Y/N, you shouldn't run off like that." You saw the others panting heavily as Akiza said, "Remind me to never race you in a relay." Akiza noticed that you weren't speaking and saw that only your mark was glowing. You flinched slightly and Jack asked, "Y/N, why the strange look?" You motioned everyone to listen to what you were the faint sounds you were hearing. "Somebody! Can you hear me?" Yusei said, "I can't hear anything." "I think that you're the only one who can hear it." Without another word you went towards the sound, boots crunching against the cold ground.

Akiza shakes her head, "She's so confusing." Jack remarks, "She's so strange sometimes." They all followed after you, Yusei then realized, "Remember how when our marks glow that one of us is close?" Akiza said, "What about it?" Crow replied, "Hold on a second, I think Yusei has a point. Our marks didn't flow because we couldn't sense Luna anywhere near where we are. So that means—" Jack finished Crow's statement, "That Y/N can sense where Luna is when we can't."

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