Chapter 16

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A/N: Speed counters will go up automatically.

"Quit daydreaming!" "I'm awake, calm down!" "You nearly fell asleep on the duel runner again." "That fight took a lot out of me." You were back at school, doing your usual job of fixing the duel runners. You heard a flood of voices fill your ears, causing you to look up. You saw Leo and Luna along with Akiza herself. Leo jumped on top of you, hugging your body tightly. You laugh, "Leo! What on earth are you doing?" You pat his head and he answers, "We were all worried." You ask, "About me or about what happened last night?" Akiza answered you instead of Leo, "We were worried about you, Y/N. You fought that shadow spirit all alone. Are you alright?" You answer Akiza and Leo, "I'm alright you guys. Thank you for your concern." Akiza said, "I've never seen you turbo duel before." You shrug, "I hardly do it. I mean I've been wanting to never happened." Leo asked, "Hey Y/N can I duel you one day?" You smile, "Of course you can, Leo. It would be an honour to duel you."

Yusei asked, "Are you sure that we should even be going, Jack?" Jack answers, "Why shouldn't it be? I'm sure they're not doing anything important right now." Crow shakes his head, "It's no use, Yusei. Once Jack makes up his mind, there's no way to stop him."

Leo and Luna had gone back to their class while Akiza had stayed behind with you. Akiza remarks, "You know, I heard that there's a dance coming up. You and Jack should go to it." You choke and answer, "Akiza, hold on a second!" She tilts her head, "What?" You reply, "This is Jack we're talking about here. He wouldn't be caught dead at a dance. I doubt that he would take me anyway if I mentioned it to him." Akiza sighed, "Well I'll force him then." You giggle, "I doubt that force will help, Aki." "You have that daydreaming look in your eyes again." You heard the sound of arguing and the addition of several voices. You look at Akiza who just shrugs in response. You both heard the crowd coming close to you both. Akiza saw who it was and mouthed, "It's Yusei, Crow and Jack." "Why are they here?" "Your guess is as good as mine." "It's strange though, they'd usually be busy at this time." You shake your head and smile. Yusei comments, "You look like you're working hard, Y/N." You respond, "It's worth the effort, I love to do this kind of stuff." Yusei admitted, "Well this was kind of Jack's idea." The blond blushed in embarrassment. Jack's heart swelled when he saw you smile brightly.

You felt Jack snake his arms around your waist as you tried to work. You said, "Jack, as much as I'd like your company, I have to fix this." Jack didn't budge and rests his chin on your shoulder. He pouted in response, "Come on love, take a break! You've been doing the same thing for the last twenty minutes." You were about to reply when you heard the sound of the bell ringing in your ears. Jack had finally let go of you and asked, "Aren't you coming, Y/N? Come on!"

You both heard a commotion coming from somewhere near you. Jack asked, "What is that noise? It's giving me a headache." You shrug and Jack abruptly pulled you towards the noise. "Jack, is this really necessary?" He didn't answer, causing you to shake your head and follow you blond boyfriend. You found yourselves outside, where you saw Yusei and Crow. Yusei saw you with Jack and said, "Y/N, Jack." You ask, "Yusei, what on earth is going on here?" Yusei replied, "Apparently there's someone around here that's been challenging people to a turbo duel and when they finish, they steal that person's deck and duel runner." Jack became angry, "Why would they steal something that isn't theirs in the first place?" Your ears perk up when you hear someone remark, "Hey you! Yeah I'm talking to you, you freak! Why don't you come here and face me in a turbo duel?" Jack was about to go forward when you stopped him. He said, "Y/N, why did you do that?!? I could've taken him on!" You reply, "I know you well enough to know that you'd probably beat him up, Jack. Just let me handle this, okay? Just trust me." Jack kissed your cheek and answers, "Fine but if that person lays a finger on you, they're dead!" Oh Jack. You saw the person take off their helmet and realized who it was. "Hey Y/N isn't that—" "Yeah it is. That's Martia, she's one of the other turbo duellists here other than Akiza and I. Why is she doing this though?" "Attention?" "I doubt that." "I don't know then." Martia said, "Hello L/N." You reply back, "Martia." She remarks, "What's wrong? Scared that your little boyfriend might leave you? How about this, if I win your boyfriend is mine along with your prized duel runner and deck." Jack retorts, "I'd never go with a dishonest brat like you. I love Y/N and you won't be able to change my mind about it." Jack. You respond, "Fine but if I win, you return all the decks and runners you stole." Martia mockingly sighed, "You never did like it when someone did something extremely desperate like this, Y/N." You answer, "It's not desperate, it's an act of thievery. Taking someone's deck won't make you stronger at all, if you want to be strong then you have to be honest with yourself." She responds, "Honesty won't get you anywhere." You then remember that your duel runner was still inside. You said, "My runner is inside so I'm going to go get it." The bully rolled her eyes, "Whatever, just hurry up!" You came back about a minute later and said, "Martia, I'm going to show you how a true duellist duels."

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