Chapter 4

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I may be what my enemies desire me to be, yet never an accusation are they able to hurl against me which makes me blush or lower my forehead; and I hope that God will be merciful enough with me, to prevent me from committing one of those faults which would involve my family.

-Jose Rizal

What was that? Why did he suddenly take my hand so nonchalantly? What is this feeling? 

You shake your head and try to ignore the rush of questions inside you. You were glad that it was the weekend but felt a sense of unease. "Are you okay?" "I don't know, I just feel really uneasy about something, Amores. I don't know what it is though." "I feel it too, this isn't good."

You hear someone frantically calling your name, making you run downstairs. You ask, "What's going on?" "Something about this seems off." "Why do you say that, Dark Magician?" "I'm saying that because I can sense something outside and its not something to cheer about. It could possibly harm everyone in New Domino and the Satellite." You see a light outside and Dark Magician Girl added, "I think that we should warn someone, but who?" You answer, "I know who but I need Blister to watch the children while I go tell them."

You said to Blister, "I'm going to go out for a bit, Blister. Would you be able to watch the children?" He nods, "Go do what you need to do, Y/N. We need answers and we need them fast." You nod and go to your duel runner. You said to yourself, "Its time to do a little detective work."

You see something shine on the side of the road, which made you stop to see what it was. "What is it, milady?" You said to your spirits, "Guys, take a look at this. Doesn't this look familiar to you?" Apprentice Magician asked, "Isn't that Martha's necklace?" "Hold on a second, it is! What is it doing here on the side of the road though?" You heard your runner beep and saw Blister's face on the screen. "Y/N, I need you to find Yusei and the others." You asked, "What is it?" Blister answered, "Something strange is going on here at the orphanage and the children have disappeared." You reply, "Actually I'm on my way there right now." He said, "Hurry before anything bad happens." You said, "You can count on me, Blister."

Crow gazed outside and said, "Yusei, look outside." The sapphire-eyed boy looked at where his friend pointed, "What's with the dark sky? This seems too suspicious." At that moment, Luna, Leo and Akiza burst through the doors. Akiza was the first to speak, "Yusei, there's something wrong and we have no idea what's going on." Jack replied, "If you don't know what's happening then why did you come?" Akiza ignored Jack's remark and continued, "People are disappearing." Crow asked, "Can't Sector Security deal with it?" Luna shook her head, "That's the thing, they can't find them. They've disappeared without leaving any kind of clue." Leo said, "Guys look! It's that duel runner!"

You said to yourself, "So this is where Jack, Crow and Yusei live." You pull off your helmet and Dark Magician Girl comments, "It looks a bit worn down." You reply, "It's a warehouse, it's supposed to be like that. Now come on, we have to tell Yusei and the others about what we found." You push the large doors open only to be met with the gazes of the people you met before. Yusei said, "Y/N." You said, "I'm guessing that people have been disappearing and you have no clue of what's happening." Leo remarks, "You're the duel runner girl!" You add, "Some of the children at the orphanage have disappeared as well and I found this on the side of the road." You show them Martha's necklace making the eyes of the three boys widen with shock. Crow asked, "Why would Martha's necklace just pop up on the side of a busy road?" You respond, "I'm not sure, Crow but I have a bad feeling about this." Yusei noticed something else in your hand and asked, "What's that in your hand, Y/N?" You toss the item, as Yusei caught it swiftly. You said, "Open it, it might be a clue to all these unexplained disappearances." Yusei looked at the piece of paper and said, "I can't read what it says." You said, "I'm an illusion, a mere a hallucination within the prospects of your mind. The compass of fate will lead you to a place of uncertainty and doubt. The lives of the mortal world will cease to exist if the veil of darkness is not lifted within the confines of the next ceremonial awakening." Everyone became confused, expressions full of cluelessness. Jack broke the silence, "What does that even mean?" Yusei added, "How did you know what that even said, Y/N?" You reply, "The text is in hieroglyphics, I remember the teacher teaching us how to read them one day." You add, "We have to be careful of where and who we talk to. None of us know what we're up against." You stopped speaking for a moment when you abruptly sensed something outside the warehouse. You run outside and hear Yusei yell, "Y/N what's wrong?" "What's going on?" "There's some kind of presence around here and it's not a good one." You saw a large beam of light appear in the sky, its ebony hue nearly blinding your (e/c) eyes. A vermeil mark appeared on your left arm as it began to burn. Everyone else had come out and looked shocked at what they were seeing. Luna said, "Y/N you're a—" Akiza ended her sentence, "Signer."

You didn't realize that you were thinking your thoughts out loud until Jack said, "Will you quit repeating your words already!" "Someone looks annoyed."  "It's not my fault that beam of light just appeared out of nowhere! I have no clue what it means either! Besides, I don't even think that Jack gets how bad this really is from our viewpoint."  "Just calm down and think about this realistically."  You said, "There has to be a reason why this is happening. I mean, this can't be some kind of joke, someone would've needed to plan out ahead of time." You leave the warehouse and Yusei asked, "What was that all about?" Jack shrugged, "I don't know."

"Was that really necessary?"  "I couldn't think straight and I don't think that Jack understands how dangerous this is. I mean, everyone or anyone could die if they're not careful of what they do or who they speak to." "I don't get why he's so stuck up about this entire situation."  "It's a mystery to me too, Dark Magician Girl. I'm worried about the children as the orphanage and about Martha as well. What if someone else disappears right in front of us?" "Then we'll have to make sure that we keep an eye on that particular person."  You mutter, "Easier said than done." You exhaled in frustration as you paced from one spot to another. You kept pacing until you heard someone ask, "Why are you walking in circles?" You look up, "Oh it's just you Jack. I'm thinking about something." He raised his eyebrow, "Thinking about what, Y/N? Strategies on how we're going to find these people? It's not going to be as simple as asking people around the city, that would take too long." You felt slightly discouraged and Jack could tell by the expression on your face. It was Jack's turn to sigh, "Y/N, come on. You can't get discouraged over one dead end, there are probably more possibilities that we haven't found yet." Jack, why? Why are you making me feel this way?

Maybe he was right, there had to be something that could help you with your detective work. You knew that something had to be done, but you knew that whatever the threat was, that it might spell catastrophe for the world if it's not stopped at the right time.

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