Chapter 6

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What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous.

-Thomas Merton

What was this feeling? The sudden rush of these strange feelings was making you feel confused.

You had come back to the orphanage, your current thoughts revolving around the children that were there. You then began to think of what happened with Jack the day before. A flush of coral rushed to your cheeks at the thought. "Why are you blushing?" You nearly fell out of your bed at the sudden question. "Why do you always do that, Dark Magician Girl?" "It was just a question, calm down will you?" You remark, "I don't get him." "Who that Atlas guy?" You nod, "He was acting so different yesterday. It's like he's changed or something." "Y/N!" You sigh, "I hope one of the kids didn't get into another fight."

You went downstairs and saw the rest of your friends. "I'm not even going to ask why they're here, Y/N." "Neither am I." "I'm sure there's a good explanation for this." Blister remarks, "Don't ask, they'll explain everything." He leaves the room and you become quiet. It was Yusei who began to speak, "Y/N, we have a lot of questions to ask you." Oh great. You sigh once more, "Alright, let's go into the dining room." You all sat on a chair and Crow asked, "How did you know where Luna was?" "Well, we only knew because of Ancient Fairy Dragon." "I can't say that! They're going to think that I'm crazy, Amores!" "Just tell them already before I force you to use your powers to bring me out of my card!" You said, "I can see duel monster spirits and one of them guided me to where Luna was. I guess it was kind of like a sixth sense when I felt a weird chill down my spine." Jack asked, "Why do you always run away without letting us know where you are?" You continued speaking, "Again, sixth sense. I don't know, its like every time I'm near a certain place, that sixth sense goes haywire." You didn't want to tell them the truth about that certain "sixth sense" in all honesty.

You were outside (as usual) working on your duel runner. You were about to grab the wrench you needed when you saw two feet in front of your eyes. You look up to see Yusei giving you a strange look. You quickly get the wrench and hear him speak, "Why is it that I always find you here, Y/N?" You stayed silent and tightened a bolt. Yusei continued speaking, "You don't have to hide anything from us, Y/N. You can trust us with whatever you need to tell us. I know that you probably don't want to." You ask, "Why are you saying this all of a sudden, Yusei?" Yusei said, "We're all worried about you, Y/N." "Why would they be worried?" "I don't know." "This is strange." You hear Yusei add, "Jack's worried about you too." "This is a first." "Not now Amores." "I was going to say that this is a first that I heard Jack Atlas being worried over someone that isn't himself." "Amores!" "Sorry." You said, "Yusei, I—" Yusei sighed, "It's not me who wanted to tell you this, it was Jack who said that he couldn't tell you because he didn't know how you would react." You ask, "Where is he?" "He's right here." You both turn around to see Jack standing with his arms crossed. Yusei said, "This is my cue." Great!

Jack said, "Y/N, I've been wanting to talk to you, alone." He adds, "I mean without your spirits listening in on us." "Fine, we'll go." You sigh, "About yesterday—" Jack remarks, "Yesterday was nothing. I want to tell you how I really feel about you." I don't like where this is going. Before Jack could speak, a loud boom was heard from inside the orphanage, making you both jump. Jack said, "We have to see if everyone is okay!"

You burst through the doors and see Blister covered in a black residue. You ask, "What happened?" Blister said, "Well Crow here thought it would be funny to make the kids' lunch explode." Jack gives Crow a "I'm going to kill you" look. You said, "Crow!" Crow replied, "What? It was funny!" You roll your eyes and march into the kitchen.

You were remaking the kids' lunches after Crow's little stunt. "I'm surprised that you kept your cool there." "I was about to murder him! Give me a break." "I wonder what Jack was going to say to you." You let out a huff as you put the cookies in the oven. You put your (h/c) (h/l) hair in a ponytail and go back to work. Blister asked, "Need help?" You shake your head, "I can manage." Blister said, "Alright. Yell for me if you need anything." You nod and brush your hands on your apron. You were in the process of finishing the meal when you felt your arm begin to burn. "Milady, your arm." "It's burning so much and my powers are going crazy." "There's something or someone in the kitchen." You call out, "Is anyone there? Blister?" You then saw a strange light and went towards it. You let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Akiza stopped, "What was that?" Yusei said, "Hold on.....that sounds like Y/N!" Before Yusei could go, Jack bolted to where you were. Yusei yelled, "Jack, wait!"

There was a small space in the back of the kitchen. You had seen a light, so you went to investigate. You came face to face with an unfamiliar (and creepy) creature, it said, "Let me take your soul, pathetic human girl!" You became frightened and said, "Get away from me!" There was nowhere to run, so you were losing hope. You closed your eyes, waiting for some kind of rough impact. Your mark began to scorch at this point. "Y/N!" You hear the voice say, "Hey you! Get away from her!" The creature laughed, "I only want her power, she possesses great energy that will be useful to us now." You open your eyes and see Jack standing in front of you in a protective manner. Jack said to you, "Y/N, find Yusei and the others. Tell!" You ran to find Yusei.

Yusei saw the panicked look in your eyes. He asked, "What's going on, Y/N?" You answer, "There's some kind of weird creature in the kitchen and Jack is trying to distract it." You add, "He told me to get you all, and help him."

The creature remarks, "Poor little human, can't even defend himself!" Jack said, "Shut up!" The creature said, "This will be more fun if we're outside."

"Y/N that creature is outside. I don't have a good feeling about this at all." "I know, but what does that thing even want?" "Beats me." You saw Jack and had a feeling that the dark spirit would play with his mind for revenge. You said, "Jack! That creature is trying to get inside your head!" Jack remarks, "That's ridiculous!" You added, "I'm serious! If you don't keep your mind blank, it's going to kill you!" You then saw a hole forming in the ground, "Jack, look out!" Jack fell down the hole and everyone said, "Jack!" "I'm going to help him!" "How?" "Just watch me." "Good luck." Yusei asked, "What are you going to do now, Y/N? Jack's trapped underneath that hole." You remark, "Just watch." With your duel disk in hand you said, "I summon forth Topaz Wyvern!" Akiza's eyes widen with realization, "Y/N is a psychic duellist!" You watch the dragon go into the hole, clutching the back of Jack's coat with its claws. Jack said, "Put me down!" The dragon did so and then disappeared back inside its own card.

You ran over to Jack and saw that his left arm was bleeding heavily. "You're hurt!" You hear Jack say, "Y/N, I'm fine." You reply, "No you're not! You're injured and it's all my fault that it happened!" Jack said, "Y/N, hey." You were silent as Jack began to speak, "Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault that this randomly happened." He grabs your arm with his uninjured one and forced you to sit beside him. He then adds, "I'm not that hurt you know. I'm going to be okay. Don't worry okay?" You respond, "What am I supposed to say, Jack? I can't just let this go, I thought that you'd die." You were near tears at this point. You add, "I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to any of you." Jack placed his hand on your cheek and replied, "I would say the same for you." Yusei had come into the room and said, "Jack, we should get going. We'll come back and visit later Y/N." You nod as Yusei left the room. Jack remarks, "I'll be back soon, I promise." He hears Yusei yell, "Jack!" He calls out, "I'm coming, Yusei!" Jack adds, "I'll see you later, Y/N." He placed a kiss on your cheek and runs off.

He just kissed me!! What am I supposed to say to him now?? Oh my god...I just realized my feelings for Jack.

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