Chapter 13

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"Evil cannot and will not be vanquished by evil. Dark will only swallow dark and deepen. The good and the light are the keenest weapons."

― Nora Roberts, Heaven and Earth

"A single tiny light creates a space where darkness cannot exist. The light vanquishes the darkness. Try as it might, the darkness cannot conquer the light."

―Donald L. Hicks, Look into the stillness

The skies were painted in the shade of poisoned carmine. The colour of hate and the colour of the blood that flows inside the human body. You knew what was going to happen next. You were just hoping that it would subside quickly.

The male spirit laughed at you, "You are such a pathetic human! You can't even face your fate without being stubborn!" You didn't respond and everyone else became worried about you. "Why are you so quiet?" "It's his aura, I feel like I've sensed it before in another place somehow. I can't remember where though." "This shadow spirit is annoying." You saw the sky darken as Zaros kept speaking, which meant that the worse has yet to come.

Zaros spoke in a tone of boredom, "There is nothing to fight now, this is boring! I'll leave you peons with a little gift from us." You saw something heading towards Leo and Luna. Yusei yelled, "Look out!" As Yusei has said that, a spirit-like figure stood in front of them. The twins looked up in surprise. You remark, "Don't even think about it, Zaros." The figure disappeared along with the male shadow spirit himself. You were slightly annoyed but you just let it go.

"Y/N?" You didn't turn around and just leaned against the wall. Crow joined you and said, "You shouldn't let those freaks stress you out. They only want to get inside your head." You respond, "Easier said than done, Crow. They just keep appearing and disappearing without leaving any kind of trace. Worst part is, their numbers keep multiplying." Crow let out a sigh, "We can't do anything about that unless we destroy them all at once. That's kind of impossible with the lack of information we have." Crow changed the subject, "So what's been going on between you and Jack?" Your cheeks flush at the question and Crow began to laugh, "Oh Y/N, you're so easy to read." You answer, "In all honesty, I don't know what's happening between us now, Crow. It's like we're drifting apart when we haven't even been together for that long." You admit, "I'm just afraid that he'll stop loving me and move on to another girl, one that's better than I am and much prettier than me." Crow shook his head, "Jack wouldn't do that, Y/N. He's crazy about you and he makes it clear whenever he is around you or near you." You smile, "Jack's never been the type to show his true feelings. Thanks for cheering me up, Crow." Crow answers, "Don't worry about it, Y/N."

You were outside making adjustments to your duel runner. Akiza found you doing so with a look of intense focus in your eyes. Akiza said, "Y/N, there's something Yusei and Jack want to show you." You stop what you're doing and ask, "What kind of thing, Akiza?" Akiza answers, "I think it's best if you come and see for yourself." You follow Akiza to where Jack and Yusei were standing. There was a large stone tablet in the middle of where all the others were standing. You necklace began to glow and it started to react with the tablet. You took off the necklace and let it touch the large piece of stone. The key that was inside of it touched the tablet, which began to reveal several carvings within it. What do these even mean? What do they have to do with all of us and our Signer dragons? This is too strange. You look at the tablet, then at the necklace. There were seven spaces carved inside of the tablet. Jack asked, "What do those drawings even mean anyway?" I wish I knew. You said, "I think those cards are supposed to go into those small slots, you guys." You each take a card and put it in each of the slots. While everyone did so, you were hesitant. Leo asked, "What's with Y/N?" Yusei asked, "What's wrong?" You reply, "It's this tablet, I don't know what it is but it's like it was meant to be here." Crow became confused, "Why do you say that, Y/N?" You said, "I just...I don't know, it's a feeling. I've been having it ever since we first saw the shadow spirits. It's a strange feeling and I don't know why I'm having it. I don't kno if it's good or not, that's the thing." Why am I having this feeling?

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