It All Is Starting To Make Sense Now... -Drake-

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I stared at Nevah.

"I don't know how you find this remotely funny. Look at us!"

She opened her mouth to talk but I stormed off, of course, towards the Interdit Woods. Once I was in a few feet I noticed my mistake and decided to explore... I mean what could go wrong?

Many,many things. Many things indeed.

Somebody dropped down from a tree, right I front of me. The person wore a blood red cloak, black boots, black gloves, and all you could see was the glowing yellow eye. Eye. Not eyes. Eye.

"Well, your out of your safe zone arnt you?" The somebody said. It was a boy, but the voice was a tad high pitched and echoey.

My mouth hung open. I mean, what else was I going to do? I couldn't run!

"Humph." He scoffed, taking a step towards me. I then noticed the cold,sharp,Ruby claws, running through my hair. I cringed and stepped backwards.

"Awwww is the hatchling scared?" He teased.

"L-l-leave me be." I whispered.

"What did you say?"

"Who are you?" I hissed.

"The name." He said. "Names are a title, a idenafacation, and maybe in your case, a fright."

"My name, Drake. You know my name." His eye locked mine and I gasped. I knew who he was. The eye, who has followed me since I was little.

"Your name is Coarn. You are part demon. You are a red hood. Your my uncle. You... You made the Wolves. You ordered them to destroy my home."

He smirked.

"Oh Drake. And only if you knew what more I am. Soon, I know this, you, my nephew, will know what more I am."

I started to back up. Coarn stomped and the woods around us broke into flames. The fires closed in and Coarn walked through them un-harmed, but the fire closed in.
Listen. You have to listen closely. You know me, but you don't notice. My name is Orio. Now listen. Tonight is a eclipse, the Lun Library will be able to be accessed. Read the books in the cipher. It's By Martin Merlin. No w you have too! Your life depends on it. Go Drake.

Books surrounded me. I was in a huge, oaken library. The eclipse shone through the glass roof. I gasped. I was the only one here. Was this the Lun Library? I walked around looking for books on what was it called, Caesar Cipher? (search it up! Your you won't be able to understand the upcoming chapters for DRAKE. In not sure if it will carry into the Oreo or Nevaeh chaps)

Soon I found the big Martin book titled Secrets of the Caesar Cipher. I picked it up, for it being as large as 2000 pages it weighted around 2 ounces. I opened it to look through the table of contents. That's a lot of info.

I closed it and the scene changed, I was in my dorm, with my book. Was this all a dream? No, seeing Uncle Coarn couldn't of been fake! Opening the book, I was back in the Library. This was odd, but I loved it. Unlimited knowledge, all because of a Red-Hood!

Oh Drake. Coarn's voice said in my mind. I'm always closer than you think!

I flipped around and in the shadows, was that darned glowing eye.

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