-Talking Cures- Drake

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"NEVAEH!" Oreo screamed. She stared cussing Coarn out.

I opened my wings, stopping my swoop.

"Nevaeh." I whispered. I watched as her knees buckled. She collapsed, blood pooling, soaking her. And Coarn. He looked at both me and Oreo.

"Who's next!"

I let Arro of my wrist. He swept in, distracting Coarn. We went to Nevaeh.

"She's not dead." Oreo said. " she has a pulse."

"Good." I turned to Coarn, who was swatting at the owls. With a pump of my wings, I was flying towards Coarn. I hit his chest, sending him flying. We both regained our feet, and began getting at it. Oreo began to sneak around, getting behind him for a sneak attack. Luckily he never noticed her.

He cut me across my left side of the lip, deep.

"Crap." I muttered, as I lunged at him. Just before I hit him I flew upwards, getting his attention. Suddenly he collapsed . Behind him was a furious Oreo. Coarn disappeared in a poof of dark dust.

"Dead?" I asked

"Who? Nevaeh or Coarn?" Oreo said


"Definitely not. He isn't gonna go down that easy."


We picked up Nevaeh, and walked her to the doors, which we opened.
"MADAM HARVEY!" I yelled as I ran in

"What is it this time." Madam Harvey muttered as she turned to me. She was tending to other wounded students. She seen Nevaeh. "Oh dear! Sasha!" A girl with green eyes and dirty blond hair ran out.

"Yes mama?" She asked

"Take care of these students." She motioned towards all of the students previously here. "I have to tend to Nevaeh." She took Nevaeh from my arms and laid her on a bed. Oxygen mask on, IV in,blood sample taken.

Madam Harvey gasped at the screen which shown the blood sample.

"What's wrong Miss Harvey?"

"His claws. Coarn's. They where poisoned."


"Curable. Somewhat. We don't have what we need to do it. " she looked at the ghostly pale Nevaeh. "Crap. Great. That means you guys are poisoned also."

I sighed. "Well before this poison kicks in what do we need to cure this stuff?"

"Three things. Twilight Orchid. Powdered Owl Beak, and a Flaming Ruby. You two," she looked at me and Oreo. "Won't feel the affects of the poison for about a month because you guys hardly got any poison In your system. Nevaeh on the other hand, is probably feeling them now." She handed me a paper:

Twilight Sun Poison Effects
1.) Hallucinations
2.) Weakness
3.) pain in area effected
4.) prolonged exposure more than two days could kill.

I scowled. "Great." Nevaeh stirred and her eyes opened.

"But here is some good news. You don't need all three cures at once. We can take them one at a time. That's good in our case. Because only two of the three cures can be obtained. The last Flaming Rubies in existence are Coarn's. The Powdered Owl beak we can borrow from the Alchemy Professor, and most of our tea has Twilight Orchid Oils in it. So I would extract oil from the tea, and borrow the powder from the professor. Simple. And each cure will make you not feel the effects for about a month. So after both cures you Knights could go raid the Red-Hood base for the Ruby. Or you all die. Becuase I'm not killing an owl every month to keep you guys alive, even if you are the
Knights or not."

"Love ya too madam." Oreo said.

" well call us up when you have some cure made." I said.

I walked over to Nevaeh, kissed her on the cheek. She smiled. Me and Oreo walked out, down to the halls, to the dorms. In front of my door I hugged Oreo, she hugged back. I kissed her, then turned and flopped onto my bed. I opened the book on Caesar Cipher and read.

Brx nqrz brx oryh wkhp. Exw zkb gr brx klgh lw? Brx zruulhg zkdw rwkhuv duh jrqqd vdb? Grq'w ihdu! Eh vwurqj dqg ohw wkh wuxwk jr. Grq'w ghihqg lw. L zloo ghihqg lwvhoi.

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