meeting Mr.Aarush Chaudhary

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"bas bhaiyya, yaha ruko. (enough, stop here.)" i said to the taxi driver as we reached a huge mansion. "Kitna hua? (how much?)" i asked. "hundred rupay madam. (hundred rupees madam)" the driver said. "ye lo. thank you. (here. thank you.)" i said , as i handed him hundred rupees. i looked at the long iron gates in front of me. then i saw a small speaker. i pressed a button and said "hello?" "what do you want?" came a voice. "I'm here to visit Alia Chaudhary. I'm a friend from school. she told me to say this." i said. "everyone says that foolish girl! you are an impostor!" the voice shouted. "eh! don't show off. i know one thing about her, that nobody else does." i said. "what?" he asked. oh, he was curious. "why should i tell you, Mr. Aarush?" i asked, but i knew it was not Mr. Aarush. i knew it was some random security guard. Alia had told me that all her house servants were very nosey, except some. "hoho! i am not Aarush saheb." the security guard said. "no, you're lying." i said, still fooling him. "come in." he said, and the gates opened. whoa! how did he agree to let me in so soon. i pulled my suitcase behind me and walked in. the doors opened and i walked in, but i was surrounded by 3 security guards. "young lady, you're coming with us. you're in serious trouble." one man informed. they took me towards a flight of stairs. "climb." they ordered. "jeez, alright." i grumbled and climbed. we reached the second floor and they took me towards a door on the farthest corner on my left. "wait here." one man told me and he knocked on the door. "what?!" came an irritated voice. "Saheb, here is one girl who says she's Alia's friend." the man told. "oh no. how many more like this! tell her to get lost!" the voice yelled. i was furious. what did i do to be treated like a piece of shit?! "o hello! I'm her best friend from school, we studied in the same class, sat on the same bench next to each other-" i was cut off by a crash from inside the room. "Rahul, please present this shameless girl in my office right ow, i will be there in a minute." the voice commanded. shameless?! me?! he was the one being shameless, not treating girls properly. "o madam, move." the guard prodded me. "don't. touch. me." i snarled, and he backed off. i can be very scary, when i want to.

i was standing in a huge room, with large sofas and a big closet. "is she in there?" the voice asked. i prepared myself to defend myself. "yes boss." the guard replied. "don't know how many like her i'll have the pleasure of meeting!" he said, sarcasm dripping in his voice. oh don't worry , you will get the pleasure of meeting me. the door opened and i stayed ignorant to his entrance, he was not some great person. i had my back to the door. he walked past me and i could smell his cologne. it was wonderful! so awesome! Priya get a hold on yourself! i snapped back to alertness as he cleared his throat. "So, you're Alia's friend, are you?" he asked me. "how many times do i have to repeat that? or are you deaf?" i asked, as i looked at the floor. i didn't want to see this idiot's face. "how dare you use that tone with me? do you know who i am?" he asked, and he sounded angry. "you're a deaf idiot." i replied. "perhaps if you have the guts to look at me, you'll realize who's being the idiot!" he said. oh great, now he's challenging me! and he wants me to look at his idiotic face! great. i looked up and my stopped for a moment.

he was oh so handsome! his face was husky in color and his eyes! with a gasp i realized they looked very familiar! but i just didnt know how i knew those eyes. i imagined how beautiful those eyes would look if they were filled with love and admiration. as i snapped back to the present, i watched my face reflected in his eyes. he seemed to be taken by me as much as i was taken by him. that was what i thought. unfortunately, my thoughts are very different from reality, very. as i blinked, his eyes were filled with fury and hatred. "yes. now, tell me, do you think that some stupid road-side girl can come and parade around saying she's my sister's best friend from some school, and i will believe her?! ha! i have met a lot of women like you in my life. i know how you people are!" he said, angrily. that's it! this guy was going too far! so this piece of filth was Aarush?! aha! he really was how i had imagined him. idiotic, very stupid and short-tempered. and hot. no, no Priya, stop thinking such things! he has insulted your character!

"do you?! well i guess you're wrong then! i am too her best friend, and i wont go from here, until i meet her!" i said shrilly, and i went and sat down on one of the sofas. he might be Alia's brother, but how dare he insult my character and my friendship with alia? "eh! get up! nobody asked you to sit down." he yelled. i opened my purse and pulled out my ear phones. "scream how much ever you want mister, but i am not going to go anywhere until i meet my best friend!" i said, faking sweetness and i put those earphones in my ears and sat down, jingling my feet along with the beats. Aarush seemed taken aback at my behaviour and seemed lost for words for a few seconds. then he went red and he glared at me. we stayed in the same position for what seemed like hours to me, which was actually two minutes. he stomped to me and pulled out my ear phones. "give back my ear-phones, mister." i ordered. "who are you to order me, road-side girl?!" he asked, anger dripping from his words. "i am your sister's best friend, i am not a road-side girl!" i said. "haha. do you think i will believe those false words of yours?! i would like to tell you something about yourself, that even you dont know-?" he started, but he was cut off.

"Bhai! my friend is going to arrive today, please be nice---- what's going on here? and Priya, when did you arrive?" my best friend Alia had burst into the room. "ah, atleast one member who has common sense. hi Alia." i waved at my best friend. "hi Pri. when did you arrive?" she asked me, looking confused. "ah, just a few minutes ago babe! so, this is your brother?" i asked her, implying my real meaning behind the question. "yeah. he returned from America last month, and he has done so many things!" she replied, and i understood her real meaning behind the words. "Alia, is she really your friend?" mr.Idiot asked. aha! he is stupid. "yes Bhai. now, why were you having a go at slitting each other's throats?" she asked us. i went red. "you see, this roadside girl here, barged into our mansion Alia darling. she banged my door badly, and she almost injured Rahul out there. you see, you need to choose humans as friends not animals." he told her sternly. barging? injuring? banging on his door? has he lost it. i opened my mouth to protest but Alia said, "yes Bhai. come Pri, i'll show you your room." "wait, she's staying here?" he asked her furiously. "yes Bhai." Alia replied. "but, she cant stay here! this is my house!" he said indignantly.

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