premiere: a night i cant forget

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My world froze for a moment, as I thought to whom I should respond. If I responded to the person behind me, aarush would feel bad, and if I responded to Aarush, the other guy would feel bad.

Luckily, Ro arrived (thank god!) I held his hand and we both walked into the cinema hall. The audience already present there applauded at our presence. I waved enthusiastically (well actually, over-enthusiastically,) whereas Ro, the calm and composed one just gave a lazy grin. 'Where are our seats?' I asked Rohan. 'First row.' He whispered back. I nodded and we both walked towards the first row. I sat down next to Rohan.

I felt someone slid down in the seat next to me, and I was surprised to see him
The guy who: was my ex-best friend, ex-boyfriend and my classmate from Mumbai.

'What're you doing here?!' I hissed. I was still in a hate relationship with him. I hate him with all of my heart. 'Watching your first movie of course! Come on Pri! You can't expect me to forget you! You're the one I love! Oops, loved.' He whispered. I stiffened. 'Ro, please exchange seats!' I said to Rohan, who agreed. When I sat down in Rohan's seat, I groaned. I saw the person who sat next to me. Aarush. He smiled at me, and I noticed it was a cold smile. 'Hey. You look amazing tonight. Unlike the usual.' He said. What did he mean? 'Thanks?' I asked. 'Okay. So, I hope you're better at acting than you're at dancing!' He said. Why is he behaving like this?! 'What happened to you?!' I asked. 'Me? What's wrong with me? I think something's wrong with you!' He said. 'Excuse me?' I hissed. 'Not excused' he said, icily. That's it! I need to know whats wrong! 'Rohan, I'll be back in a few minutes!' I said and pulled up Aarush with me. I dragged him outside and to a quite corner in the side of the theatre.

'What's happening? Why are you acting like this? Are you worried about something?' I asked him. I was really concerned.

'Why do you care? All you do is ignore other people!'

'When did I ignore you?!'

'Oh maybe you have short term memory loss! You have been ignoring me since one week. I can know! I'm not dumb!'

'Oh really? Then why don't you figure out why I did that!'

'Uh huh? Why dont you tell me yourself?!'

'Why should I? Why should I?'



'Ugh! I dont like speaking to you! I don't like hearing you! I don't like looking at you! Why did you change?!'

'Excuse me Aarush! I didn't change!'

'Excuse me Priya, you did!'


' Are...irritating....' I broke off, realizing how close we were standing to each other. I tried to step back, but his hand went around my waist and pulled me roughly. I collided with him and my hands were on his chest. I looked up into his eyes.

My breathing became fast and hurried and I could feel colour rushing into my cheeks. Oh god no! I was blushing. 'Priya. Tell me.' He whispered, and his tone sent shivers down my spine. 'I.....can't.' I said. He gave a frustrated sigh and held me tightly by the shoulders. I looked down at ground. I felt his hand touch my chin and lift my head up. I looked up into his tall towering frame. 'Aarush, let me go.' I said. 'Priya. I won't. Tell me, do you even care for me?' He asked and he came closer, his other hand still around my waist. I suddenly felt very very exposed in this deep back red gown. 'No. Not at all.' I lied. Hey, he loves Natasha! Why should I care for him! Why should I bother whether he'll be hurt or not! He's just a jerk. A jerk who doesn't know how to respect girls. 'The truth. Please.' He asked, and his eyes conveyed a message of the deepest longing I had ever seen. I gulped. He came closer. His forehead touching mine..

'What I said, is true.' I replied, heartlessly. 'Okay, one final question then..... Answer truthfully.' He snapped. I noticed his eyes turn dark black, and I knew he was in a very big state of rage. 'Okay.' I whispered.

' tell me, Priya.... do i matter to you at all?" i looked up into his eyes. his eyes showed a lot of emotions. hurt, betrayal, fear and love. it was very difficult for me. he seemed confident enough in asking me, but he cowered on the inside. Okay Priya , tell him how much you love him. Tell him! (My heart ordered me. But I remembered Natasha's call)

'Priya, one word to Aarush that you like him. And that will be the end of your film career. One word to Aarush and that will be the end of your friendship with his sister. One word to Aarush and that will be the end of you!' Natasha taunted me. 'I don't fear you!' I yelled. 'Haha! Everyone says that! Do you remember the Ishika murder case?' She cackled like witch 'I was responsible for it!' She finished and cut the phone.

'No.' I breathed out. And the entire world collapsed around me.....

Ooooookayyyyyyy, so guys, who felt what about this chapter? Please let me know! And why was Aarush acting like this? Who's the other mysterious guy, who seems to still love Priya (I guess?) And who hates Natasha now? Good things always come to those who wait! So



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