Press interview

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all around me, cameras' flashing sounds were heard. the reporters were clicking away madly. at first, when I had got down from the limo (YES!!! I CAME IN A FRIKIN LIMO!!!!) I had found it difficult to look round because of all the bright flashes of more than a hundred cameras. I walked carefully in my high red stilettos, careful not to trip and fall. my red gown swirled as I turned and posed for the cameras.  next to me Ro grinned at a few girls standing behind the barrier, and they all shrieked and waved at him. I just shook my head. Ro was hot, but Aarush was hotter. omg! I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT, KAY?!!!



"Priya, press interview." mr.Hegde said. "but....the movie...." I said, longingly. hey! I wanted to see how I had done!! "the movie starts half an hour later, you need to do a press interview." he smiled at my eagerness. "okay. but only 10 minutes! I hate the media!" I whispered. he nodded and Ro held out his hand. I linked my hand with his and we both walked towards a group of reporters, who had been trying to get our attention from the past 10 minutes.



reporter:  Priya and Rohan! how do you guys feel?
rohan: I feel awesome! Priya is an amazing actress, and a really friendly co-star! she always looks out for her friends, and she always helps them when they need her! in short, she's an amazing actress, and an even amazing human being!

I blushed. " well I feel nervous! its alright for Ro here to be calm and composed! its his third movie! its my debut movie, so I feel very nervous! I don't know how the audience will react to my movie! I am even more scared of the critics!" I said, laughing nervously. well, its true!

reporter: we all have seen the songs of your movie, and the audience have loved your chemistry! they want it in real life! so, Priya, would you say, you both are friends in real life? or more?  she winked at me.  ugh, I really hate such reporters.

"um, I really don't know what to say! its really awesome that the audience loved our Jodi. (pair) and I love the way the songs have turned out too! I just cant get enough of listening to 'em! espescially Samjhawan! I really enjoyed shooting all the scenes with Ro, he's just amazing! he's really humorous, and he knows how to make me happy! but, I don't know what to answer to your question! maybe its better if you talk to Ro!" I said.  next to me, Ro gave the reporter a dazzling smile. and by the look on her face, I guessed that it had completely melted her and she had forgotten all the questions.


"I would say, our relationship, is way beyond friendship. isn't it Pri?" ro asked me, giving me a signal. oh yeah, Mr.Hegde's plan. "stop teasing me Ro! just tell 'em already!" I said, laughing. "we are dating. and that's all. thanks!" Ro said. at his words, everyone who shipped our Jodi (pair) yelled in glee, and we both walked towards the cinema entrance. I looked around and my eyes scanned the crowd, looking for one single glance. of him.  I had hoped that he would come. especially after I pleaded so much with him!



"Hello Aarush? Priya speaking....." I said. I heard a sharp intake of breath. "Priya?" I heard Natasha's voice. "Natasha? is Aarush there?" I asked. I was trying very hard to not curse her. "why? so you can make us break-up again?" she asked. "Natasha, its very important! please!" I spat. god I hate this b***h!  "fine." Natasha said and she yelled "Aarush! its Priya!"  I heard hurried footsteps, and seconds later I heard his voice after many days! I had missed his voice so much!  "Priya?" his voice sounded very happy. "Aarush!" I breathed out. I loved him so so so so  much! " are you?" he asked. he was still surprised by me calling him. "I.....I.....I'm f..fine! how're you?" I asked. "fine. why didn't you pick up my calls? I called you a hundred times!" he spat. " I know. I know. I was busy. plus, my phone was with Ro and he kept discharging it everyday!" I lied. I could not let him find out that I was ignoring him! "oh! how's your boyfriend? you could have told me atleast that you got together with that scoundrel!" he yelled.  " why? did you tell me that you got together with that b***h?!" I yelled back. "Natasha's not a b***h! plus, I called you everyday! you didn't pick up!" he yelled. okay, he's got a point. "look, I don't want to argue! its my film's premiere tomorrow! and I have invited all my friends, my family & Alia. and I want to invite you as well! you are a very special perso......friend, and I want you to be there!" I said. " I cant!" he said. "why?" I was heartbroken.  "I have a date with Natasha!" he said. oh. that got my temper rising. "oh! please come Aarush! please please please...." I kept saying please please please until he finally gave in. well, kind of. "i'll try Priya. but I cant make any promises!" he said . "ok bye! see you tomorrow then!" I said and I cut the call.

*flashback over*


oh I wish he's here! maybe he's not! looks like, Natasha got her way after all. then suddenly a voice behind me said "Looking for someone?" and I jumped. I didn't expect this guy to be here! he had last seen me when I was in 10th! before I could turn and see his face, a limo stopped and I saw someone get down. my mouth dropped open. I didn't expect this person either!!!!!!!!!!


 and that's it for today guys! an extra long chapter! I have some shoutouts!

1) Shraddhagem19


3) SaiPrerana (srry if I got ur name wrong!)

4) dance_for_soul (go checkout her books, their awesome!)

5) Jayalal01

6)Tanvi_varuNyiesha  (sorry if I got your name wrong!)



you guys have been awesome readers! you comment for all chapters! thanks guys! this chapter is dedicated to you guys!!!!!!!! bye!!!



BYE!!!!!!! see ya all next  time!!





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