"Why indeed?" I asked out loud.
Killing this girl would've saved me some trouble but really would it? I would be swooping to their level ,making their beliefs come true about dragons being monster's. Although I told myself that I felt as if there was something else that made me try to revive her the last couple of hours. Most would've stopped saying they were too late but I refused to give up. I wanted to see her again, those bright clear blue eyes, to hear her voice again. I couldn't wouldn't let her die.
Little did I notice her standing up and walk towards me while I was lost in thought. She towers over me before landing a punch on my shoulder. Now I am raised by dragons and endured many blows to my body be it dragon talons or a hot iron blade. But comparing this shield maiden's raging fist is something I do not want to endure ever again. My arms screamed with pain as it bleed , when I saved this girl I cut myself on a sharp rock. I was able stop the bleed but not well enough since I didn't have the utensils to properly dress the wound.
"That's for never letting me kill you." Before I could retort, I was shocked when her lips pressed against my cheek." And that was for everything else."
I watched her walk away back into the forest towards the village. My cheek burned were she had kissed me, my mind in a daze. What am I feeling? My mind was soon halted when I felt a presence from behind. A hard object collided with my head and everything went blank.
I can't believe I kissed him! At least I was able to land a punch on him, but a kiss!? Way to go Astrid. I sigh but couldn't help bit smile. As I made my way home, there village was in a uproar. The commotion was coming from the arena. I hurry there to see Night in chains while tired to a post, his body and clothes in tatters.
Stoick stands before, sword in hand.
Kill him!
The crowd chants. My mind is scrambling, how did they catch him? Night is not one to be caught so easily,unless. It's my fault.
"Night Rider,"Stoick begins." As for being not only a thief but as well as a traitor to man,you are here by sentenced to death! "The crowd cheers." Any last words?"
The boy lifts up his head looking up at the sky. So calm,but I knew he was trembling on the inside. A smile forms as he opens his mouth letting his native tongue dance. It didn't sound human nor beast for it was too gentle for either. I was entranced and so was the village. Tears flow from my cheeks.
I tried. Is what I heard.
I tried to change both the mind and hearts of man and beasts. I guess that was only a dream that will never come.
"Enough. " Stoick growls but Night continues. The chief beats the boy repeatedly with no effect. "Enough!" This time he lifts his sword letting it glint in the moonlight.
ROAR~ An loud roar echoes the sky.
Up in the sky was a swarm of dragons and leading them was none other than the Night Fury. The village grabs their weapons, ready for a fierce battle, which may be their last.
The Dragon Within(HTTYD)
RandomTaken from his home as a wee babe, Hiccup grew up with dragons and was raised by one of the most feared in the archipelago. He is known across the land as the Night Rider and is wanted for the betrayal of his own kind. All Hiccup wants the battle t...