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Night (Hiccup)

Night...night...dear it's time to wake up.

I awake to find myself in a meadow sounded by beautiful flowers. The sky was clear as the wind was calm.

"Night..." I sit up to see a shadow cast over me. Bright electric green eyes gaze down at me.

"Mom?MOM!" I jump from my spot embracing her. She wraps a arm around me embracing back. I couldn't help the tears flowing from my eyes.

"My how've you grown." She chuckles. I smile at this.

We stay in that position for a while longer before we let go.

"I'm so proud of both you and your brother. You've accomplished something many dreamed of doing."

"I couldn't have done it without you mom." I said. "I wish you were with us though. "

She smiles putting her head against mine. "I'm always here dear. For both of you. Never forget that."

I wake up to find myself not in my den but on a wooden surface covered with a blanket in a plain room.

Where am I?

All I could remember was the battle with the queen whom is dead. Then all went blank. And mom. A dream that felt so real I could still feel her comforting embrace.

Night your awake! I am greeted by my brother who trouts over and bounces on top of me. I groan at the sudden wait pushed onto me but didn't mind it. Toothless and embrace when I noticed something different. Removing the blanket I was shocked to find that my left leg was missing and replaced with a prosthetic leg.

I'm sorry Night.

No it wasn't your fault. I replied. Its better than losing my life, right? Help me up will ya.

Toothless helps me up and out the room. We climb down the stairs towards a door. I open it to find dragons and Vikings helping each other rebuild the torched town.

"He's awake!" Someone calls out.

In an instant I was surrounded by many. They asked how I was,if I needed anything. I reassure them I was alright. Ms.,my mom runs up to me engulfing me in a hug. Tears fall from her cheeks as she sobs out a thankful prayer to the gods.

"I'm really."I laugh.

She freezes."What did you call me?"

"Mom. You're my mother are you not?" I asked confused.

She sobs even harder nodding. My father,Stoick slaps a large hand on my back with a grin.

"Welcome back son.Hiccup Night Rider Haddack."

"You may keep you dragon name." Mom says.

"I appreciate that."

"Night!" I hear a familiar voice call me out. I turn to see a raging blonde run towards her blue eyes blazing. I had little time to react when a fist collide with my arm.

"Is it always going to be like thus because I-" I was cut off when she pulls me towards her planting a kiss upon my lips. Vikings whistle, dragons unbeknownst to humans laugh and call out embarrassing comments.

I could get used to this though. I thought once we pulled away.

That evening the chief throws a party for Hiccups awakening. It was also for the new future with the dragons who are to stay on the island. Hiccup stayed for once watching the event play through. My favorite song begins and everyone begins to dance. I make my way to Hiccup and hold out my hand to him.

"Yeah I don't dance." He says bluntly.

"Awe come on everyone dances even if they don't know it." I press.

He sighs taking my hand into his. I pull him into the crowd of dancing drunk Vikings. I teach him each step and to my surprise Hiccup could dance. He spins me around, dips me and we dance as one. I really enjoyed myself until Toothless pulls my dance partner away. He trouts to the door excitedly.

"Come with me." Hiccup says.

I follow them out into the warm are to find that the stars were shining brightly as the moon list up the village.

"Beautiful. "I whisper.

"Sure is. Let's show you something even more amazing."

Hiccup has me seated in front of him before we take off into the sky. Souring through the sky at night was better than in the day. So calm,so magical. I wished I could stay up here forever.

"If only the whole world could experience this." I whisper.

"That's true but not everyone is willing to change easily. "Hiccup sighs. No kidding it took me forever until experiencing death to change my idea of dragons.

"I want to discover new things, to help those whose having the same issue we had, to make a difference. Astrid will you help me accomplish this?"

I stare into his silent pleading eyes. I nodded without hesitation.
Hiccup Night Rider Haddack


I smile widely at her answer. I grasp her cheeks gently into my hands. Hesitate I did not as I kiss part of my new reason for living. The world seemed to get a whole lot bigger as we fly off into starry night.



I would like thank you all for reading this story. To be honest I thought this story would read as much as it has. But you've proven me wrong and I thank you for that.
Since it went so well I just may write a sequel to "The Dragon Within". Just leave comments that says "Sequel" or anything requesting for one and I'll happily write it.

Thank you!

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