Empty Shades

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Leo's POV....

I didn't sleep the whole night I was tired but if I went to sleep I would have nightmares and I am really done with them! I was hugging my knees to my chest so I could keep my self warm, I think it's about 5 morning just saying.

I stood up rubbed the back of my neck, I sighed in tiredness. I walked out of the cave I was in, the view was pretty amazing I noticed something moving! What could it be? I asked my self.
I walked towards it and so a flash of light it was a sky blue flashlight I knelt to check it and grabbed it in my hands, I hold it with both of my hands it was freezing cold, there was a button in the middle it was the part that was shining the most but then it turned into a really dark grey and started to make sounds , in a blink of an eye I was tied up in a tree and someone was holding a knife towards my throat.
'Good job leo touching things you don't know what they are! 'I thought' and who the heck is this '

(what are you doing here stranger?! Are you one of the'livu' clan tell me!?) that person said her voice was soft and feminine she is a girl, but I couldn't see her face cuz it was covered by a mask, she was wearing a sky blue shirt that had something that looked like the thing I touched, (what is livu? I don't know what are you talking about plz let go of mee) I said as I struggled the rope was so tight (don't play games with me stranger I know you are one of shade's soldiers don't lie tell me who are you!) she said strongly and she started pushing the knife she was holding to my throat (I swear I don't know what are you talking about, my name is Leonardo and I am lost I am looking for my family) I said sincerely, she back of me and let go of me I fell to my knees as she let go, I looked at her she took her mask of she had big sky blue eyes and long dark blue hair her skin was white like the snow,(forgive me for my actions I am so sorry I thought you were one of them here let me help you up) she said with a really gentle and soft voice she offered me her hand and I hold it and stood (it's OK no problem, but who are you and they I mean the lovi was it?) I said with a smile (you can call me celestia and you mean the livu ) she said and giggled (hehehe yea that) I said and laughed (they are a great evil like nightmares they occupied your mind with fear and terror till you become one of them) she said with fear in her eyes, I just stare at her I didn't get what is going on (are they after you?) I asked (they took all my clan I am the only one left with some friends and my big brother) she said as she took the thing I touched a while ago (wait a minute you are leonardo right?) she said with a raised eyebrow (yeah I am but u can call me leo) I said (OMG you are leo his been after you for a while now that is why your lost) she said rapidly (what!!?)i said confused (ever sense he saw you he had been chasing u around, he wants your potential wind power!) celestia said with a worried face (oh no and now you are in this dimension it will be easier for him , come with me we need to go I have a good place to hide!) she said and grabbed my hand and started to walk rapidly (celestia wait I don't get what's going on what the heck ) I said confused (leo I know I just met you but you need to trust me because if he gets your mind occupied with fear he'll be able to scape this dimensions and go to yours, bad thing will happen if that happens your family and all ur friends will suffer) celestia said walking even faster (what this isn't earth?) I said surprised (no this is dimensions Omer but we have many things in common) she said with a smile (wow and who is this shade the leader of the livu?) I asked (shade is my cousin and he is evil he leaded the revolution years ago and created the livu so yes) she said and stopped walking, she suddenly holds her head with her hands and close her eyes in pain (celestia you okay?) I asked concerned (yea yea I am fine just give me a minute) she said and started to breath fast and she tried to slow her fast breathing, she started to do some weird things with her hand it was like if she was pulling something out of her body and indeed she did some black and grey smoke started to come out of her body and from my own I felt dizzy and fell to my knees she fell as well! She was coughing hard and more of that stuff came out, after a couple of seconds it was over I stood on my feet again and then ran to celestia before she hits the ground (celestia you ok, what happened opend your eyes come on talk to me) I said I was worried I didn't know what to do she open her eyes slowly and I sat her down I was still holding her (feeling better what did just happened?) I asked (ughh it's fine now, I took the toxins of the shade clowns out of our bodies so we don't get occupied I'll be doing this every 2 hours) she said with a weak smile (but it hurts you) I said loud (nah just stings a bit I am fine) she said as she stood (we are almost there leo my brother and the others will know what to do I am sure I hope we are not to late) celestia said with a worried expression(don't worry celestia, I'll be here for you I'll help you Even if it means my last breath ok! , I'll do any thin to protect my family and friends and you are one of my friends now!) I said with a smile trying my best to cheer her up (thanks leo you are my friend too) she said with a smile as we walked to the place of her brother and her other friends, and what we found wasn't good!


A/n: hii there butterflies, end of chapter 5, what do u guys think plz comment and vote ^_^
I tried my best to make it as clear as possible I hope u understand it cuz I am not that good yet writing stories

I have school and I haven't slept yet and it 11 o'clock already, but writing is worth it ^o^

Off to bed...

Love you all... ^o^


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