Shadows In The Katanas

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Leo's POV....

I felt really good using these powers, I thought I was never going to do it... I felt happy, it was awesome, I don't know why but I felt kinda reliefed now.

(I knew this was going to work!) celestia said with a smile, I smiled back, I looked at the swords I had now, I was really impressed, this will make it easier to fight shade, I have never meet him, well not in real life... Only in nightmares, and from what celestia said is that he is more powerful in dreams but also in reality..i just wish my btothers are okay.

We where about to leave the village, but before that celestia took away the shadow clouns away as usual.. This time it didn't take her down like everytime, she is getting the hand of it which is good.

(are you alright?!) I asked her with a smile, she nodded and gave me a smile, (let's keep going) she said as we started to make our path to the misty river... As we were walking in the forest, the trees and plants were no longer green, they had this grey slugs covering them, I looked at celestia confused.... (celestia?!..... What is wrong with the trees?) I asked pointing at the trees, she sighed sadly, (it's all shade's work... He is destroying everything.... Making out of our home a nightmare) she said sadly, I sighed, it's already happening in here, we should act fast.

I patted her back (we are taking him down once and for all) I said encouraging her, she smiled and nodded, we kept on walking for long distance, let's hope what is coming next is better...

End of Leo's POV....

Meanwhile with Leo's brothers, they where all doing there best to find out how did leo disappear... Which was pretty hard, since they didn't have a clue about it, Donnie thought that they could use April's psycho powers, (April i need you to focus, it might be our only way of finding leo) Donnie said as he took his sensor and turned it on in case anything happened, so he could scan it and track it, April smiled (I'll do my best Donnie) she said as she closed her eyes.
the sensor suddenly started to react...(its working! I am tracking an amount of power! Its coming from Leo's katanas,) Donnie said as he ran to the katanas and scanned them, it had trace of a dark smoke which was unusual!

He ran his fingers through the smoke, (what did you find Donnie) April asked looking at the katanas, (this smoke, It has lots of power and energy in it, I don't know what is it) Donnie said with worries, (you think leo was kidnapped and the kidnappers left this) April said worried, (I don't know, this is so confusing, this smoke.... I have never seen something like this before) he said and sighed worried.
The katanas suddenly started to glow and revealed a shadow, it had red eyes with a purple hint in them! (Raph! Mikey! come quick) Donnie said rapidly, Raph and Mikey came in Leo's tent and were surprised as well when they saw the shadow, (what is that Don? ) Raph asked confused, the shadow started to laugh Evilly, (your brother is the one you seek to find...... Solving my Riddle will be the chance..... Wrong answer crossed ways and your brother will be his to take) the shadow said with an evil grin, (shadowman is saying the Riddle ) Mikey said loudly, (shadowman you named that thing already?!) Raph said crossing his arms.(i think he already said the Riddle ) April said looking at the katana, Donnie was lost in thoughts looking for an answer for the Riddle ,(tik.. tok.. on the clock time is running with no hopes, the answer must be revealed or your brother should be his indeed! ) the shadow said Evily, (it make no sense) Donnie snapped, (maybe its a trap Donnie! We can't risk it!) Raph said, (do we have a choice?!) Donnie said with a worried look, (maybe we can trick him to show us where leo is! Then we save leo) Mikey said with a smile, (that could work but it's risky too!) Donnie said, (before we answer your riddle we wana know where is our brother!) Raph snapped at the shadow, Donnie faceslap him self...

The katanas soon reviled an image of leo walking in the forest, the forest was not looking a safe place it looked to foggy and messy! (where is he!) Raph said! (he is fine for now in dimensions Omer.. But he'll soon belong to my master!) the shadow said, (I think i got the answer of the riddle -) Donnie was cut off by the shadow, (time is over and he is his to take!) he laughed Evilly, (thats no fair!) Mikey said loudly, the shadow soon disappeared leaving the Guys confused with lots of questions...

(they'll hurt leo! We didn't answer the riddle!) Donnie said and let out a sad worried sigh, Raph was full of rage inside, and Mikey was feeling really sad, he's older brother was in danger! (Donnie find out where is that dimensions Omer! It might be our only chance to save him!) Raph said as he took Leo's katanas, (use this to track the energy to find the location of a similar power me and Mikey will go to the forest again and search for it as well, we don't have time) Raph said, every one nodded and started to work... In hopes to save there older brother.......

A/N : Hello every one! Sorry for not updating in such a long time!

I hope you liked this chapter! Plz comment and vote if you did! I really appreciate (^o^)

I hope you have a good day....


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