What death ?!?!

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No ones POV ,

The red masked turtle made his way through the shadows towards the lost shadow which was floating around with a mindless mind which wasn't it owns , Raph had a smirk printed on his face as he keep going that's when something unexpected happen ....

Raph felt a strong blow hit his shell which made him lose his balance and fall on the floor which made him grunt as he rapidly recovered getting his sais out of it cases and look around the shadows seeing nothing but more shadows and then it moved ! That mindless shadow had sensed him !

Raphael had to react fast and attack his opponent with all mighty , he knew they needed this shadow in order to make sure their plans would succeed....Raph swiftly kicked the shadow away from him and run over punching him hard and pinning it down , it seems like when they are alone they are weaker ?....he wondered to himself ...well that might be good ...

He rapidly chained him down tight and secured it.."well looks like we will have a nice talk now Mr shadow ..." he said with a smirk as he begin to drag him back towards his brother and celestia ...

Meanwhile with the others , they were waiting for their brother impatiently , it was hard for them to know if he would be okay and they feared that something could go wrong ...but they also knew that he was strong and that one shadow couldn't really take him down .

Leo huffed as he paced around "where is he ?? He is taking forever " he said as he held his head slightly frustrated it was clear for all the others that he was really tired and was carrying a lot inside of him , knowing that he had been going through a lot lately and their brothers didn't notice it before it was too late , they still felt terrible for it , Leo kept hiding what he was actually feeling which wasn't fair, why can't he use some help from his brothers ? He always does help them when ever anything happens but Leonardo never did want his brothers to worry ....or to treat him like he was sick or anything , all he wanted was them to be okay that's all .

"Leo it's okay don't worry just stay calm bro ..." Donnie said with a soft calming tone in his voice trying to calm his brother as much as he can ... Leo looked over at him .."i am calm bro i am just worried ...." he saidand look around the place towards the feiled that protected the whole dimension from being pulverized by Shade ....

"What if he needs help guys ?" Celestia said worried looking at the turtles then at Leo she knew that he was not feeling his best it had been like two days since their last rest and she was tired herself ...

"Who do you think needs help ?" Raph said with a chuckle as he appeared behind them dragging the shadow who kept struggling and making some weird voices which were actually abit creepy .

"Raph ! Bro !" Mikey rushed over with a big smile and hugged him "we thought they ate you !!" He said and Raph chuckled patting his head .."eat me ?? I am too strong for them bro " he said with confidence and smirk .

Leo and Donnie rolled their eyes at what he said and look at him "well that's a good job Raphael " celestia said as she walked over to the shadow her face expressions saddening she sighed .

"Alright let's focus now guys ..." Leo said with a serious voice and look at the shadow celestia nodded and take a deep breath ...."well I am not the greatest in spells but I can try to make one showing nice things that doesn't include fear " she said and the turtles nod ..."but I will need help .." she said looking at a specific turtle ...'Leonardo ' .......

"How can Leo help ?" Donnie asked confused and Leo nod at celestia ...."well the gem stone he has makes the spell stronger , I can't make a spell on my own ....all I know is how to control wind ....and some magic well the basics my brother was teaching me but this happened so I have been trying on my own it's quite hard though "she said and he nod .

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