Feeling something ?....

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Celestia POV:.......

I yawn as I snuggle slowly into whatever was holding me ,I felt so safe so warm ...as if all that happened was only a dream ,i cracked my eyes open to see Leo sleeping figure sleeping next to me holding me close ....that made me blush a lot ....I have never been this close to guy.......my eyes gave a little baby blue glow as I look at how peaceful he looked in sleep which made me smile slightly.

I stayed there without moving an inch away from him I just wanted to keep this warm feeling ...I felt much better now the weakness in my body didn't feel that much and I was not as sore maybe rest does work ...... I let out a small sigh I had to wake him up it was time to keep going ....

"Leo..?.." I softly and gently said not to scare him or anything I was still blushing ,he slowly opened his amazing ocean blue eyes ....I don't understand what am I feeling or why do I keep blushing or why do I think his eyes are amazing ....but I just liked that ....I loved having him around me .....

"C-Celestia??...." he gulp as he rapidly pulls back helping me sit I could see his cheeks turning red as well making mine get even more ....."I am sorry ...I didn't notice ...that I .....uhh ..." he tried to make this abit less awkward but it became a lot more awkward ...I simply smiled as I blushed more ..."I-it's okay .....I ...Thankyou for taking care of me ...I see you didn't sleep well ..." I said and could clearly see his eyes were tired and sore ...he looked after me When i was weak how nice of him ,I hugged him and hide my face in his chest ........"Thankyou ...for making me feel safe ...." I mumble with a smile ........

End of Celestia's POV........

Leo's POV.......

I was blushing madly but hugged back and hold her close to me ...when I woke up and met her beautiful orbs ...that made my heart beat alittle faster as if my blood pumped even faster .....what is this ?.....I have never had a feeling similar to this in my whole life ......

"It's no problem Celestia....I am here for you ...." i said softly while we slowly pulled back I smiled at her though both of us were a red mess ...i smiled shyly ..

"Well come on ..we will head out today I feel better and we have to keep going ..." she said as she slowly stood up she held her head which made me stand up quickly and hold her close she seemed dizzy ....."celestia ?...you are still feeling tired ...maybe we should wait till your body is truly healed ..." I said softly but worriedly ..

"No no I am alright we can waste more time cuz of me ....we need to act fast just abit dizzy that's all .....I have to take it slow I did it fast don't worry now come on ...wait a sec .....where did laria sou and reim go ??" She asked me I look around ..."they were here at night I am not sure hopefully they will be back ...yesterday sou was about to get turned into one of shades clones ...." I said and look at her expressions change ..

"What !? ...oh no ...this is bad ..." she said and looked around worriedly...."this could mean they are hiding somewhere fairies hide too well that keeps them away from danger but shade can find them ...." she said and walked over to the small window in the room picking up a small leaf it had some writings on it I look at it ..."what's that ??"

"A letter ..." she sighed why was she so sad ? ...."dear Leo and Celestia forgive us for leaving like this but we being around you is dangerous....we are getting more Infected and can't stop it from happening...please be careful,keep this leaf with you use it as a shield to protect both of you from the shades ...yours ..laria sou and reim ....." she stopped reading and sighed sadly ...i look down worried .."this mean that the shades are getting them faster ....this is bad ...." i said and look at Celestia ...."it is bad ....so bad ...they are the last three fairies ...he is taking everything ......oh no ! I haven't even taken those clones out of us " she held her head I placed my hand on her shoulder ....

"Calm down Celestia just take it easy ,it will all be okay I promise you ,are you sure you can do it ? Maybe we can wait abit till you feel better ...." I said and look deep in her eyes I saw pain and sadness in them making my heart hurt ...how can someone as good as her be in this much pain losing all her family is hard ...I understand how she feels ..

"B-but ...but I have to Leo ...or we won't be able to keep going it will get us ..." she said lowly and sighed .."I just don't want you hurt ..." I said and held her close .."I have too ..." she mumbles and close her eyes as she begins to move her hands in the same way she did before , i saw her shaking which made me worried ....

The smoke the black one begun to get out of our bodies and we both coughed it out I leaned abit into the wall holding her ...a couple of minutes it was all done she was breathing heavily ,I shake my head slightly clearing my vision ..."Celestia?....y-you okay ?" I asked worried as I held her worried .

"Y-yes .....I-I am fine ..don't worry ...let's k-keep going .."she said softly as she was about to walk but I picked her up .."I am going to carry you the whole way then ...your still hurt ...come on .." I said softly and smiled abit walking out of the place .

I could notice a slight pinkish blush on her cheeks which made me smile she is adorable........why am I even thinking of this ?? Focus Leo ......I blushed slightly as I walk holding her close to me ...."so where should I go now ?" I asked her softly

"Uh......" she looks around trying to relocate herself......"keep walking straight ...the misty river should be somewhere near from here .." she said and I nod as I keep going forward I hope we find it and fast ...

I look around trying to find the river but the mist and fog got thicker I could barely see infront of me ..."we are getting closer .." Celestia said looking up at me as she held tight Into me for some reason ....the necklace i had begun to glow so as her necklace....."what does that mean ??" I asked confused

"We must be getting closer Leo ...I think the leaf is interacting with the necklaces making a a shield around us to keep us unnoticed from the creatures that live in the mist ..they could be dangerous...." she said and I nod as I kept walking ,I hope nothing bad happens ......I could feel Celestia moving abit closer to me ...she always seemed to hide how she actually feels the responsibility she has been giving is big and very hard I just want to help her get through this .........

suddenly the fog turned into a mix of red ,purple ,black and grey colors , I saw a figure that had dark smoke going out of it ,as if it was made of pure smoke dark one ,Celestia took deep breaths ....what's was it ???!!

A deep voice spoke with a dark evil chuckle, red dark bloody eyes glowed and were noticeable for us now ...she gasped and I backed up slightly

"If it isn't my little cousin trying to play the role of the hero ....."


A/N;hey guys ! I finally updated ! Took me a month but I did in the end ! ><

I hope you guys like this chapter and I Thankyou for reading it ! Please comment and vote !

What do you think will happen next ??

Till next time ^^
Bye 💙

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