Part Of The Journey

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No one's POV....

Its Been two days now and there is no sigh of leo, Raph was soo worried his thoughts are not leaving him alone, donnie and Mikey were worried about leo as well when ever they went to search in the woods Don would take a bag full of medical supplies in case leo was hurt, it's been only two days but for Leo's brothers seems like an eternity! (guys I don't think we are going to find him!) Mikey said with a sigh (Mikey we will don't worry!) Raph said with a really gentle and soft voice as if he was trying to copy leo in those situation (what if he is hiding from us) Don said with a sad expiration (whaa do you mean by that why would he ran away cuz of us huh?!) Raph said angrily he couldn't even think about what donnie said 'what if Don is right?' he thought (chill out bro let D finish!) Mikey said (well what I mean is leo was the only one not excited at all about coming here we pushed him he didn't want to come!) don said loudly, Raph was confused but maybe donnie is right he thought, (I don't care if he is hiding from us we need to find him and bring him back home! You got it) Raph said and pointed his finger to donnies face (we searched almost every where, maybe if we search again will find him) Don said with a smile (soo Mikey you go north Don south and I go East) Raph said the others nodded and they split out. But what they didn't know was what was coming next!

Leo's POV.....

We got out of that creepy hiding place me and celestia were in , celestia was so sad and in a really bad mood. She wasn't looking so good to me, I am worried about her. (leo i got to take all those shadow clowns out of us before shade get to us) she said as she started to do those moves with her hands,
It took her a while to do it this time she stopped more than once which worried me I thought it's was for all the events she's been in! (celestia are you feeling OK) I asked with a worry expression (I am fine leo it's just that I can't get this thing to work I don't know why!) celestia said in panic (maybe you are stressed take it easy come down and trust your self ) I said trying to comfort her.

(come on celestia you can do it you did it a couple if times now slowly breath let the dark energy out) she said under her breath as she closed her eyes , and soon smoke started to come out of our bodies again it was a bit painful I dropped to my knees and celestia too in a blink of an eye it was all over! (you did it I knew you could do it!) I said in a cheer (I did) she said as she snapped her eyes open she smiled brightly (I did it) she said again happily, I smiled back (better get going leo we have a really long path to go) celestia said in a serious voice, (ok then lead the way) I said with a smile (follow me) she said and we started walking.

There was a lot of trees it felt like the afternoon it's been two day since I got lost from my home two days with no water and food! I was starving and thirsty, I was getting so tired I felt like I was gona passout, but I can't give it up so easy celestia needs me! I forced my self to walk as fast as I could but I was to slow to catch with celestia.

Celestia turned around too meet my gaze that was not focused at all, I felt the world spinning around me and it was slowly fading away, celestia ran to me and grabbed me and sat me down I could feel her around (leo what happened, wake up! Leooo..) i Heard her panicking voice (here have some water) she said and I felt cool liquid go through my throat it felt great! Every thing started to come back to me.
(celestia..) i said in a whisper (it's me leo have some more you scared me to death I through shade was getting you!) she said in relief, (thanks) I said as I drunk the water I was thirsty! (ahh now that is better!) I said as I gave her the pot the water was in (no problem why didn't you say you were thirsty was it that hard to ask you almost dehydrated!) celestia said pointing with her finger I smiled (are you hungry here I have some bread!) she said and handed me some bread I took it and cut it in two half I gave celestia the first half and I took the second one (thanks but u also need food take ) I said with a smile (ok but if you want more I got plenty of it) she said with a smile! I started eating the bread it was quite good.
(let's camp here leo we've been walking for a quite long time and it's getting dark, let's search for some wood so we could make a fire) she said as he stood and started to look around the area I did as well, I gathered some wood and noticed a pool of water it was a river! It was pretty close to our camping spot which was good, i went back to our camp spot celestia was already there with some wood (wow that was fast!) I said surprised (heh I just got here you are fast too) she said and laughed (I found a river it's pretty close!) I said (really a river wow we are closer then I thought!) celestia said happily (you mean to your village) I said (yep tomorrow morning we move and will be there soon I'll go bring some water and you make the fire) she said and ran to the river as soon as I told her where was it.
I started to put the wood together so I could make the fire. I found two rocks and then made the fire!
I thought about my brothers all the time I am worried, what if shade start to hurt them with those bad dreams or they get hurt I hope nothing goes wrong I thought as I waited for celestia.

A/n: hii sweeties, so this was chapter 7 I hope you all like it,
I had so much fun writing it down, plz comment and vote, I really appreciate them so much!
Tell me if I have to explain any thing that was not clear ^_^

I love you all...

Chaooo my butterflies!

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