Ceiling Hidden

387 19 2

Leo's POV...

We've been searching for hours but we found nothing! It's taking for ever, and there are only few roles left, where could that map be! I stood from my place and sighed.
(maybe we are doing this wrong?!) I said as I looked to the ceiling it had wholes from the fight and burned parts too, (what do you mean!?) celestia asked confused, (well if your father wanted to keep the map away from bad guys, he would hide it in somewhere only he knew it! Maybe if you try to see through your father's point of view we could find the map! "I said and beamed a smile.

(wow that's a great idea, let me see mmmm" celestia said as she sat in her father's place, it was a chair and a desk in the middle of the room, where her father used to sit, she looked to the ceiling and went deep in thoughts, I could say that from the look of her face.

(my father had fire elemental power! So maybe he hid it somewhere he could alway keep an eye on it and no one would've notice!) celestia said pointing out to the ceiling, I looked at the ceiling and I could see some writings on it they were not clear but we had a clue.

We looked at each others with a big smile (Fire!) we said together, we made up a fire and celestia used her wind powers and made a small tornado to lift us from the ground, I was amazed by that, will I be able to do this? I thought with a smile.
(keep the fire near the ceiling but not that much we don't want to burn it) she said and giggled, I nodded as the map started to show slowly, our smile became even bigger. (I cannot believe it we found it) she said in joy, I raised my hand intended to give her a high three but she seemed confused (what's that?) she said (it's called a high three! When someone raise the hand like that you should not leave him hanging that's what my brother would say!) I said laughing, and she laughed and gave me a high three!
(mmm, if we want to go to your dimension we have to find the tree with the portal, it says, the tree will reveal it self to those who have pure hearts! At least it says where are we suppose to find it, near the misty river it's not that far!) celestia said happily, I was really happy every thing was getting better and better.
(let's stay here for a while I need to show you something in order to make it easier for you to master your powers!) she said as she slowly gently put us down and the tornado vanished! (that's pretty cool) I said with a thumb up, she giggled, (come on there is no time) she said laughing dragging me somewhere, it was a big room, it was really big and it had a bed in the middle and lots of posters and weapons, cool stuff! I was amazed (is this ur room?) I asked with a raised eyebrow, (yep this is my room) she said as she opened the closet and started searching for something! (what are you looking for) I asked curiously, (just wait) she said giggling, after a couple of minutes she found the thing she was searching for, it was a gem, a blue gem it was beautiful, it looked like the one Zane gave me! And like the one she had.
(this gem used to belong to my grandpa! He made mine and the one you have now!) she said with a smile, (come closer, aboserve closely) she said, the gems started to glow, and the wind started to blow gently, then a small torando came up it was beautiful! Then every thing started to glow even me! (what's happening?) I said rapidly, two katana blades appear from no were and they where blue like my mask and a cloak too! The gems stopped glowing so as me and celestia! (wow.. This blades are awesome!) I said In joy, (glad you like it, this is how you are going to learn how to use your powers! All u need to do is focus on letting the wind out like this) she said and closed her eyes took a deep breath (you do as I am doing, then open your hands and feel it flow through your hands then let it out!) she said as wind came out of her hands, I nodded, I did the same as she did but it didn't work! (try again we have time) she said patting my shoulder, I smiled and tried again and again and again! But nothing came out! (perhaps trying to focus by meditating would help) celestia said as she sat next to me, we closed our eyes and I tried to focus, I did focus I felt something different it was a good feeling I opened my eyes and I was elevated from the flour (huh.. Huh.. Woah.. I did it) I said happily I did it, (you did it leo I knew it!) she said and hugged me I hugged her back (you'll see your family again leo and we'll save both of our dimensions I know we can) celestia said with a smile, I smiled back (we will!)

A/N:hey there my friends I hope you liked this chapter, plz comment and vote, I'll try to update as soon as possible!

Byeee... (^o^)

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