Love and lost

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No ones POV.......

Raph ,Donnie and Mikey kept walking through the foggy forest ,they were all very worried but kept in trying their best to stay calm ,not having Leo around was making things very hard for them ,Leo was the one who gave plans and instructions and even though the Younger brothers didn't always listen to his orders they still knew that without Leo leading the team wouldn't be complete .

They needed their  leader back ....
       They needed their big brother back ...

As they keep going deeper in the forest they notice more marks and sign of fights around , wondering from where and why were these here , everything around was unfamiliar for the three brothers and they have grown tired and hungry ....

"Guys ...i am hungry ! And tired !"Mikey whined as his stomach growl ..."I haven't eaten in hours !!" He spoke once more putting his arms in the air ....."we know you are Mikey this is like the fifth time you say it !in less then 2 minutes!..we are all hungry alright ? So stop complaining!" Raph said feeling slightly angry as he give Mikey a slight glare .

"Yeah Mikey we are all and there doesn't seem to be anything that we can eat ...." Donnie said and sighed looking around ...."this place has no life it's all foggy and most of the trees and plants are dead and covered with the slimy thing....i just feel confused! How did Leo even get in here ...i don't understand " Donnie said sighing again .

" let's not think of food for now let's keep walking and hopefully we will find something around at least a river to drink water " Raph said walking that's when he heard a yell ..." GUYS!!! I see s river !! " Mikey said out loud running towards is as he begin to drink water ..."Sooo refreshing !!!" He said happily .

Donnie follow Mikey with a smile that's till he stepped on what seemed a burned bonfire ...."what ?...." he mumble as he kneeled down studying it ..."guys check this out seems like someone was around in here ...the fire wood wasn't burn from that long ....i say around a day or so ......which can mean Leo was here !"Donnie said feeling joy come to his heart the possibility of their brother being near field him with happiness !

"You think it was Leo for real ??" Raph smiled as he looks at the fire wood with a smile and Donnie gave him a nod standing up ..."i believe it could be .....we need to get going fast let's drink water and keep going " Donnie said smiling as he walk to Mikey and drink some being followed by Raph ......

"See we might be even closer than we think to Leo "Raph said as he drank some water to be greeted with a big grin from his baby brother ...."cool !! I can't wait !" He said with enthusiasm.

After getting plenty of water the brothers completely their journey trying their best to get to their brother ....hopefully they were close ...

"We can find him guys i know we can " Donnie said happily as they walk .

Mean while with Leo and Celestia they had already passed the bridge that connected both parts of the river ,Leo felt really happy and couldn't take his eyes off of Celestia he felt something he never did before and wanted to keep seeing the young girl smile all the time like she did just now , he wanted his brothers to meet her , he wanted it so badly.

"Leo I can't believe we made it this far ...." Celestia spoke smiling as she keep walking by leos side ,he gave her a nod agreeing with what she just said ...."same it all seem like it's going fast ...i can't wait to see my family !...." Leo said happily and Celestia giggled ..."from what you have told me I can't wait to meet your family Too! " she said and smiled as she looked in leos eye her baby blue eyes glowed as they meet the ocean blue eyes of Leo which caused them both to blush and look away fast .

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