What is going on ?!

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Raph's POV........

I groaned cracking my eyes open ..."ugh I what happened ?....." I mumble rubbing my head why does it hurt this much ?.......I look around seeing I was in a forest.....what is going on in here ??!It  looked very different and weird that's when I felt someone squeezing me in a hug ..."bro ! You okay ! I was worried you wouldn't wake up !" Mikey yelled happily ,"woah calm down little brother ...where are we ? Where is Donnie ?" I asked him confused ,he shrug as he glanced at Donnie who was still out of it laying still on the floor ..."he hasn't woken up yet ,I think we have to wait Raph" mikey replied as he let go .

I look at him as I slowly stood up .."alright then we shall wait ,this place is so weird ...it's like the one we saw in Leo's katanas " I said slightly worried .."did we make it ?maybe this is where Leo is we need to find him as soon as Donnie wakes up " I said seriously Mikey gave me a quiet nod .

A couple of minutes after we heard some groans come from Donnie who was starting to wake up ,finally..."Donnie you alright bro ?" I asked as I help him sit down ..."ugh what happened?..my head is killing me " he mumbled I smiled seeing that my brothers were okay ,"it's alright it will go away as soon as your fully awake ,I think we are in that place where Leo is " I said as I glanced at Mikey who also hugged Donnie .."we need to find Leo " Mikey said with a smile .

"Yes we do we need to find our brother " Donnie said ,i could say he was slightly better now since you feel really fuzzy at first when you wake up ,"but first we need a plan ,like Leo would do " I said as I stood up without Leo it's like all of us are lost .....we need him so our team is complete without him ....we fall apart...

"This place is creepy guys " Mikey said as he stays close to us as we walk around ,there was sign of burns and the forest looked trashed it was a big mess ,metal blades all around arrows and many other weapons "it's seems there was a battle in here " Donnie said in his nerdy tone explaining.."yeah I can see that "I nod as we keep walking ..we have to find Leo no matter what I just hope he is not hurt .....we are coming bro .

Leo's POV .......

I had laid Celestia down gently and took in deep breaths as I look out of the small window it was really foggy out side this couldn't be good , I glanced at Celestia she is too tired after what happened ,that poison had weaken her ,I need to keep her safe .

I close my eyes and tried to use those wind powers Celestia had taught me to use hopefully I will be able to help her like this ,I move my arms in the same way she did before trying my best to make any sign of wind ,it took me a good ten minutes till I finally did it ,I smiled proudly seeing a wind looking ball in my hand ...."cool ..." I mumbled

The necklace With the gen blue stone glowed slightly making me look at it confused.."what could this mean ? " I said lowly to myself not to wake Celestia, I sighed I was worried .

"You seem worried Leonardo" laria spoke softly floating to me and sitting on my shoulder I look down at her and sighed .."yes I am ...I don't know what to do ,Celestia looks really tired and exhausted she needs rest and I fear that I won't be able to protect her , I mean I don't know anything about this place I don't even know the basics of using my powers and I am supposed to help her defeat shade before he could get both of our dimensions " I sighed and held my head abit .

Laria looks up at me as she glows abit more .."if you keep thinking negative then it won't work stop worrying ..do you see that wind ball you did just a couple of minutes ago ?  It shows how strong you are ,to do it on your own beginners take a lot of time and training to only get that ball right ,but you did only in 10 minutes Celestia trusts you " she said and smiled abit at me

" you think ?" I asked her as I sigh sadly .." yeah sure thing she does ,look Celestia and you need to stay safe away from shade and his clones,for now till you two get back in shape and you are completely ready so you could have a better chance to stop Shades plans " she said as she look down "we tried our best to help the people of the villages but shades power is really strong that we couldn't stop them ...I failed everyone it's only me Reim and Sou who are left ..." she said sadly "we lost a lot as well but we won't keep losing , I know we will get back dimension Omer back I know it" she said with determined her voice .

I gave her a small quiet nod "I agree with you we will save both of the dimensions from the dark powers of Shades " I said as I look down slightly making the ball of wind disappear from my hand and the stone stopped glowing ,"Let us hope nothing worst happen though I have a feeling that there is a lot yet to come " I said as I walk back to Celestia checking if she was alright,gladly she was... she no longer had high temperature and she had stopped shivering and sweating which was good ...

"Don't worry the toxics of the poison are leaving her body Leonardo ,she'll be better soon " laria said softly as I nod before feeling something on my other shoulder there sat Sou ...he looked sad and very worried as he stayed quiet .."hey you okay buddy ?" I asked confused larias attention rapidly went over to him she seemed worried ...he gave us a small nod which was not convincing at all "Sou ? Brother ? What is wrong ??" Laria asked in a worry tone .....

He begun to glow a lot but his green glow started to fade changing into a grey one his eyes went droopy My eyes widen ..."what's happening !??!" I asked loudly ,Laria rapidly went over him and cupped his checks .."brother ?? No no ....don't let this happen ...your strong brother !....."she begun to panic and seemed very scared ...Sou's eyes changed into a bloody red color making me worry ..then it hit me .."is he ?? He is turning into one of them !??!" I asked worried ..."he is ! I can't let this happen ...can't lose another brother !" She yelled in fear as she begun to shake him .....that's when Reim came into action ...."I am not letting this happen to him !" He yelled as I came over and made his little tiny red hands glow placing it on Sou's forehead ....

Laria looked very scared ,she always seemed calm but it seems she can't take it in situations when it comes to losing someone....."Laria control your self sister ! I don't want you to lose control too !" He yelled

Control?! What do they mean ?? This is confusing me ,I don't get it what is happening..."I won't just fix Sou please " she begged , Reim kept using his powers for a couple of minutes till the color of soy was back to the greenish color he is which was good ,though he fell unconscious in Reims arms ..."there ,we got him back again .....this is happening a lot to him " Reim said holding his brother close laria stroke his head ..."this is not the first time ? " i asked them worried .

"Ever since all this had happened they get to him faster than any of us ,me and Reim try our best to stop it ,but it is getting worst " she sighed sadly ,"she is right we need to stop that jerk before he takes our brother away as well !" Reim said in pure hater and anger

I nod as I look at Sou before glancing at Celestia..."we will....we will stop him "

A/N: hey guys ! I know it's has been such a long time since I had updated this story as always I am really slow with updates,please forgive me for that ><
I just get distracted and lazy at times , but well here it is .
And I am sorry for any spelling mistakes ><
I hope you guys liked this chapter and I wana Thankyou all for reading my book ,and helping it get 3K !! Thanks so much ! I am really really happy about it please comment and vote><

I love you all guys !
Bye !

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