The Family Story

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Celestia's POV...

It was getting darker as I was walking towards the river leo told me about, if I wasn't mistaken the river meant that we were pretty close to my village which was something good, the faster we get to the map the faster we get to shade and destroy him once and for all!

The river was beautiful although it was almost dark it was still shining, I looked to the sky and sighed, "I wish this was only a bad dream and that every thing gets back to normal" I thought, my dad had always told me that I should be strong in times like this!, I grabbed the Empty bottles I had and started to fill them with water. I started to walk back to our camping spot where leo is supposed to be.
Leo was sitting on the ground near by the fire he made, it was getting colder and I was glad I made it back before it went totally dark, I waved with my hand and said (I fill the bottles of water, and the river is the one near my village so it won't take us long to get there) (that's great) he said with a smile, leo is someone super generous he is kind too and a good friend, although I don't know him that well but I do trust him and consider him one of my friends !

I sat down on the ground beside leo, I pass him a bottle of water (thanks) he said with a smile as he grabbed it and drunk some, I smiled back and drunk some too, it was refreshing and cool.
We sat there for a moment silently, (leo I have to take the toxins out again ok) I said as I stood from my place and stood ready to start, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, I focused on what I was doing and soon the black smoke started to come out of our bodies, it hurts a little every time I do this but it's nothing serious I can manage I think I am getting used to it , every thing was over in seconds I dropped to my knees my heart was beating fast (celestia you ok) leo asked as he helped me and sat me down, I nodded with a smile he passed me the bottle of water and I drunk some (yeah I am good) I said with a smile,my heart beat was back to normal, we sat there for a moment with no talking, "it gets really awkward when you don't know what to talk about " I thought.
(so celestia you told me that shade is your cousin what made him go against his own family?) leo asked, (well you see it is a really long story) I said as I stretched my arms (I am good listener) he said with a smile (ok, so years ago shade used to be one of the bravest men of our village, his father who is my uncle and the oldest brother of my father, he used to be the chief of our village, he was a strong leader and kind and he was a Just man who cared for justice and for his village alot! My father has 3 brothers, and he is the youngest all of them are in different villages, dad was young so he stayed in our village with his oldest brother the father of shade, he learned a lot of my uncle, I don't remember much from my uncle but he was so nice, shade used to be so close to me and my brother Zane although he was way oldest than we were, when I was 5 he was 18 years old and Zane was 10 years old, so there was quite a different between our ages, he used to tell me stories and play with me lots of games too we used to consider him as our big brother..) I said and sigh with sadness, (so till now everything was okay back then) leo said with a raised eyebrow (yep every thing was good and nice, but then when I became 6 years old my uncle got sick, he couldn't do his duties any more he was slowly dying,it was really sad seeing him like this every thing everone changed when he got sick, but before he passed away he asked my dad to take over the leader ship of the village, cuz he knew shade was not ready to take all that big responsibility, shade got angry when he heard what his dad said and that he wasn't going to be the next chief, he went to his father's room and started to shout and question his father for that decision he took! My uncle tried to explain but he was so mad to listen to his father's weak words, he thought that after his dad he would be the new chief and he was mad and angry and then..) I stopped talking as I tried to hold my tears (something bad happened right beside the death of your uncle) leo said with widen eyes (shade was the cause of his own fathers death he poisoned his last glass of water, and then attacked my dad and tried to kill him, shade believed that all of this happened because of my dad, I was standing right there watching them fight madly, it was a nightmare leo, shade notice me back there and grabbed me into the battlefield, my dad's eyes widen I remember the fear he had in them, I started to struggle in shades arms as he started to get ready to hit me with one of his shadows blasts, I was really terrified, but in a blink of an eye dad had me in his hand and directed a direct furious lightning blast, I hugged my father strongly as I cried in fear, shade fell to the ground he was in such a pain I remember his agony crying and that's when dad banished him to the livu dimension, so that's when he started to lead the revolution from the livu dimension scine he can't escape it, that is why he needs you the only way to get out is to possess at least two strong wind potential power like you) I finished the whole story and wiped my tears away (that was a really long story, all of this happened because shade wanted power he destroyed his family I am so sorry celestia this should've been hard for you) leo said as he patted my shoulder and gave me a smile (thanks leo) I said as I gave him a smile back, (but there is something I don't get yet who is the second wind potential power...)


A/n: heyyy there my butterflies, I am so sorry for not updating in such a long time! I've been so busy with school that I Bearley opened my phone:-[

This chapter I feel so proud about It was so fun writing! I hope you liked this chapter , and I'll try to update as soon as possible. Plz comment and vote ^_^

Love you allll......

Byeeee myyy butterflies...

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