Meeting the others ....?!

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Celestia's POV.......

"NO!!! Leo !!!!" I scream out loud but it was already too late he had used his wind powers to send me away ,it was really strong I could feel the amount of power that was sent into the wind blow and for my surprises I landed safely on the floor I fell on my knees sobbing and crying ...."LEO!!!!!!NO!" I yelled growling and punch the ground hard .

What have I done !?? I couldn't help him ....I am all alone again ....I lost him !......I loved ....and lost will I get to the tree how will I save them all father ..mother people will I save those I love ?.....

I shake uncontrollably but took a deep breath ..."don't let fear take over you Celestia ! need to save them have to be strong are forced too " I mumble to myself and close my eyes tears still falling I begin to do the same movements I do with my hands to take the shadow clones out I breath in and out as the black smoke begin to get out of my body I winced in pain ....but I had to keep going haven't done this in a while least the field is with Leo he will be safe they won't be able to control his mind .....not until they find out ......

A couple of minutes later I was finally done and groaned in pain panting .....I sniffle leos eyes printed in my mind ,blue flashing around me .....I just needed him I needed him to be okay ,without him I felt incomplete....I slowly stood up and look around me trying to locate myself......the trees chopped ,there where some on the floor the forest was dying with every hour i waisted and now that I was left alone all depends on me..

I look up at the sky seeing the sky grey and dull not a signal sun beam able to cross the thick smoky clouds ,I sighed and begin to walk to where I thought the tree was ,I had to follow the way where Leo throw me through ....." i will find you Leo i won't let you get hurt too ....not more than you were ...won't let Shade mess with your dreams any longer ....just be okay ....." i whispers to myself as I pull my long dark blue hair up in a messy bun and get my weapon ready I look at my armo and made sure the little light balls where there secured I might need them in the future ...

As I keep walking through the forest I begin to hear some voices strange ones but yet similar enough ......."Mikey ! Keep quiet! There might be something watching us and waiting to strike ! So be quiet !" A deep voice with accent was heard close by ......i listen closely...wait ...Mikey ??...that name familiar .........."dude your sounding like Leo now !" Another voice was heard it was kinda goofy and childish my eyes widen when I heard the specific name ...."l-Leo ??....." I said abit to loud ,"did you hear that ???" Another voice said .

My eyes widen as I cover my mouth and was about to hide behind some bushes but I couldn't stop thinking ...could they be Leos brothers?? How did they get here !? I took a deep breath and slowly walk towards their voices my baby blue eyes were focused on the figures infront of me ....turtles ...wearing different color masks .....I felt happiness field me ......"y-your here !?!" I yelled delightful

End of celestias pov ......


Raph's POV..........

My eyes widen when I saw a blue eyed girl with dark blue hair wearing silver armor with some gem stone in the color blue ...and what surprised me the most was her sudden outburst ...what the heck are people in this dimension crazy ???

We rapidly got into position and I held my Sias and clench them with my fists ..."who the heck are you??"I said raising my eyebrow ready to attack ..."easy Raph let us see who is she ...." Donnie said and I rolled my eyes growling ,"this cutie doesn't seem harmful guys ! She might be friendly !" Mikey said giggling making me glare at him what the heck how does Leo cope with all of this !?

"Woah ...woah please calm down the three of you .....I apologize for my sudden action you all must be all confused....b-but ....I know who you guys are ..Raphael,Donatello and of brave friend ....i-i am celestia ......" the girl said as she approached us .

Our eyes widen as she said leos name ..."y-you know Leo !? Our brother where is he!?!" I yelled at her .."wait celestia !?! That's the name that little blue creature said before turning to stone !" Donnie said making me look back at him and nod ,Mikey for once was just quiet ....i heard the girl or celestia gasp ..."laria!?! She turned to stone ? ...." the girl mumble as she look down sadly I could say she was very sad making me wonder why ...

"Do you know the little creature ?" Mikey asked her sadly his baby blue eyes full of sadness as celestia answer with a small nod ...."y-yeah she helped Leo heal me ....she was a friend of ours but now gone dimension is dying and soon yours will start to do as well if we don't stop this ...Leo ....he got captured as he tried to keep me safe from those shadows ....." the girl said and sighed worried making all of us feel even more worried our faces got abit palish by the news ....

"Let got captured?? Oh no ......we've seen a shadow in leos Katanas and he said that ...what was his name ...Shade ! Yeah Shade will get him something like that and that he is in danger " Donnie said and I nod looking at celestia ..."who is this Shade I believe he is the one behind this he the one who did this ? Who took Leo ??" I asked her and she gave me a nod ...

"yes indeed it's him ...he is the lord of the shadows used to control flames and still does he is not in this dimension yet he is locked in the livu dimension after his mistakes .....he now seeks for more power and the only way of him getting out of the dimension is to own two wind potential power ....which your brother Leonardo carries inside and the second one it is I .....we are the last two ...we need to get Leo before it's to late before fear gets into him ......" she said with fear and worries clear in her voice I look back at my brothers who seemed rather scared and worried just like I was .....

I take a deep breath and cleared my throats hearing all of this was too much to take at once ....what do we do ?...what can I do ? What would Leo do if he was in this situation....i sighed ......"so he got Leo now ...if he gets you our dimensions will be ruined ....." I said as I eyed the girl and she gave me a nod ...."that is true but we need to get Leo away from them they could hurt them more ...he injured his arm ...and he was already being hunted by Shade in his dreams .......he wanted him to feel fear to control him with it ....just like he does to everyone else and that's why I have to do this now ....." she said as she begin to do some weird movements with her hands making all three of us wince in pain ...

"What is this !?!" Mikey whined in pain as he fell on his knees and smoke came out of us dark one ...i held into one of the few trees that were still standing and winced .."what are you !? " I yelled in pain ....Donnie leaning on his staff coughing as we all winced and she did as well and she fell on her knees gasping ,after the pain was finally gone I shake my head and help Mikey up and patted his back looking at Donnie help celestia up ....."w....what was that ??" Donnie asked her and she groaned .....

"M-my's the only way to get the shadows out of our bodies ....if we leave them inside then Shade will become stronger and get to us ......" she answered panting , I look at her feeling worried about her she was looking very weak ......if she was leos friends then we should help her ....."well alright then it's okay you might need to sit down for awhile ....your looking pale" Donnie said with concern but she shake her head ..."no no .....we can't waste time we need to get back to the cave ......Leo needs our help " she said as she shake abit but I nod ..

"Okay then just be careful if you don't feel okay " I said and Mikey nods as well .."yep duddet we can help you now ! We will be friends just like Leo is to you " he grins and she gives a faint smile "Thankyou for your trust you are sure just like leo said .. " she said which made us all smile more ...we sure miss him .

"Come on ...let us save our brother guys !"

A/n : hey guys what up !? Well yeah I have updated faster this time >< let's hope this keep going this way ...well I am not quite sure if it will sorry guys ! I am always late with updates ...

And I hate making you all wait but I will try my best to do it faster ! I hope you liked this chapter and please comment and vote 💙

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