The three glows

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Leo's POV....

I run deeper into the forest trying to find the safest place I could find ...celestia didn't look so well she was burning up , I felt so worried they poisoned her! ,I run across a small cabin it looked abandoned so I went to check it .....

I held celestia close to me trying to make sure she was still breathing ..luckily she was ...I sighed in relief..."let us get you inside "I said as I slowly sneaked inside wasn't that big but it was enough and it was totally empty,there where signs of burns around ,a fight perhaps....I slowly placed celestia on the floor trying to make sure she was alright .....i looked at her wrist where the poison was inserted...those idiots !....

I heard some noises coming from the window , did they found us ??!! I thought ,I walked towards it trying to keep my eyes on her ,I had to take my eyes off of her as I look out of the window....I gasped there where 3 little glowing blue the other yellow and the last one was red ....they came inside and floated around me ...making everything shine ...."huh ??..." I said confused and amazed the red creature came closer ..."hey there turtle! You ain't from here ..I can say ...intruder!!"it snapped at me I think he was trying to punch me with his tiny hands ...I couldn't help it it was kinda cute ..."what ?..." I said confused..."you heard me turtle man !"he said and glowed abit darker as it launched punches that where actually like tickling......"reim....stop this ...*the blue small creature sighed * I apologize ,my brother here is alittle angry ,I am laria and we are fa-"she was cut off by the yellow..."fairies!!! I am sou!"the yellow one said goofing around as he floated....I chuckled abit ..."yes we are fairies ...what are you doing here ? It's like hell out here ..."laria said confused as she came closer ...."I know ,we were  on our way to the misty river me and my friend ...but the shadows attacked us ..." I said and all of them gasped.."shadows !!! "sou said dramatically ,I nod.."they poisoned her ...can you help her plz ?" I said worries was clear on my face as I looked at celestia...."wait is that ......the princess??....oh my god !"reim rushed to her side ...the others followed him I did the same .."yes and they poisoned her ...can you do anything?"I asked again ....laria looked very shocked "those idiots!"she snapped "this is not good your the one she was looking for's so clear now ...quick we shall help her take the poison out of her system before it causes more damages ...."she said as she place her tiny hand on her forehead,reim on her chest and sou on her feets ...

They all begun to glow ,I watched amazed what are they doing ....I hope this works , the strongest glow was laria's glow which was a baby blue ,reim was in the center glowing a ruby red,the glow of sou was alittle smaller and it was yellow ......."focus on the poison......we need to take it out .."laria said and both of them nodded ,I sat beside her as I looked at celestia she was sweating ..I was really worried....

After a while she groaned abit my eyes widen,is it working??....suddenly there glows combined all together making the glow change into a greenish color.....celestia snapped her eyes open and started to cough harshly.."celestia!"I said and helped her sit up as soon as I did she turned her back and started to throw up a black liquid...I rubbed her back gently...."we managed to take it off of her system,but this poison works on weakening the person...she need time to recover ..."laria said as she looked at celestia who was done vomiting she was shaking slightly and breathing heavily......"w-what....h-happened.....?"she asked her voice cracked as she did ..."it's okay don't worry ,you'll get better .."I said and hugged her rapidly I was so worried I am glad she woke up...."t-the s-shadows?....."she said looking around to see the 3 glowing creatures..I pulled away slowly from her smiling ...."l-laria??...sou ..?? And reim ?? What you too ?"she said and whimpered abit .."take it easy my was good that your friend found this place and brought you ..we took the poison out ..."laria said and sat on her shoulder.."t-thankyou all ..."she said and smiled abit more but I could say she was weak.."I am glad that poison is out of you "I said softly....she smiled as she tried to stand ..."w-we have to keep going ...shade ...the shadows...."she said I gently pushed her down .."no celestia,you need to rest ,don't worry will stop them but you need to recover first ..."I said and patted her back gently.."w-we have no time .."she whimpered as she said ..."my friend you need at least to let your body rest for a while know how strong that poison is ? weakens you that's it's job ...."laria said she looked worried at her so as I ..."yeah princess we don't want you hurt again ...."sou said ...."b-but ....ugh ..." She held her head in her hands ..."m-maybe I am a b-bit weaker ..."she said I could tell she was dizzy,she looked very unfocused ,I went alittle closer to her "you need to rest can lean on me ,comeon rest .."I said and let her lean her head on my shoulder since there was nothing around the room ...she didn't argue as she leaned on me ..I rubbed her back gently....."you'll be aright everything will I promise you ....."

A/N : hey there !

I tried to update as fast as I could I hope you like this chapter....

Thankyou for reading!

Till next time ><

Bye ^~^

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