Grey and blind

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Leo's POV........

I stood in the middle of darkness no sign of light anywhere near me ....I hear voices ...yells ...crying ......something calling my name out loud .....but yet the voice was faintly and it echoed ....i tried to guess who is the voice for but my mind was blank ......I couldn't pinpoint who was it ......

I then found myself running deeper in the darkness I pant more and more ...feeling fear ....I couldn't understand where was I ??...all I knew was that I should run and run .....'failure.......weak ......fool .....' a voice yelled at me as I keep running.

I then begin to fall ..."NOO!!!!! I need to save them !!!!!" I yelled in fear as I keep falling my heart beating as fast as possible cold sweat going down my forehead that's before I hit the ground hard and let out a scream in pain ....I held my knee in pain ..."n-no no no ! Not again !!...." I cried out ,the screams become louder and louder ,my head felt like exploding.....

I slowly sat down panting loudly and heavily feeling tears go down my cheeks family ....they were screaming calling me .....soon blood begin to flow from what seemed the black walls and floor my eyes got wide seeing my brothers weapons ....Sensie staff too ....celestias necklace......I gasped ...."NOOOOO!!!!!!"


I woke up gasping screaming in cold sweat ..."NO!!!!" I pant loudly looking around me ....where am I ??! arm stinging in pain I look down at it seeing that my blood had dried ....I saw chains around me I try to struggle but they were too tight ....I scanned the area around me ,it was still dark I still dreaming !?.....

I take a deep breath that's before I saw what seemed to be shadows ,more of these ...wait a minute....celestia ! ....oh god i hope she is safe my powers should've taken her somewhere far enough ......i hope she is okay I am very worried about her .

One of the shadows came close to me kneeling down I could see their grey dull eyes change into a bloody red with hints of purple ...."let go of me !" I yelled in anger and try my best to struggle more as soon as I did I felt the cold hand of the shadow around my neck about to squeeze it ...i tense up when I heard chuckles .

"I finally get to see you up closely Leonardo....did you enjoy your little nightmare " the shadows spoke his eyes glowing more that voice was familiar heard it in many nightmares before the misty forest i growled ..."Shade ....." i mumble with hate .

"Cleaver cleaver boy I should say you guessed who I was ...if only little celestia was here ...i could be free and show my true form not going around from shadow to shadow ! I will have all the power and fear will rule both dimensions!" The shadow laughed insanely...i felt my heart beat fast as I widen my eyes "you'll never get her you freak ! You've caused her a lot of pain already ! Can't you see that ???" I yelled with anger and shade only held my neck tighter making me hiss abit but I tried not showing it .

"Y...your a coward .....hiding in the shadows ...t-to get more power you don't learn from your mistakes .....y-your heartless you killed your own father !" I yelled with anger trying to keep breathing he took his hand away when I said that and laughed even more ....

"Oh I seee little celestia told you the story it's actually pretty boring the past is in the past and I did what I had to become king !.....but then that idiot ! celestias father took everything....i will destroy them all . after all .....all my shadows are the people that I had consume with fear kid ....and soon I will to you too Leonardo.....I have been there ever since you were a child .....and then the shredder helped me achieve my goal making me stronger !" He said as he stood up and my necklace glowed a lot as I listen to him growling .

"Idiot !! I will never allow you to do that to anyone else ! I can't believe you turn your own people into brainless shadows Shade !" I yelled again as I struggled he only looked at me with a deadly stare ...."you have a necklace !...and how am I supposed to change you now !?!" He yelled at me kicking me hard making me slam the wall I winced in pain as my arm hit the floor ...guess the necklace will keep me safe ...."y-you c-can't hurt me ..." I said lowly ....

I saw the shadow begin to fade and his eyes begin to glitch as if he was fading away ...."your angering me ....i ....Shade !....will have all the power will see .........just wait till I be back ....." his voice echoed just like it would in the nightmares but soon the glowing red and purple was gone leaving the eyes of the shadow to go back to grey i sighed in relief....

So inside the shadow there is a person ....we need to find a way to stop their transformation into shadows get them back but how .....i am useless ,I need to get out of here and fast before anyone gets hurt before they get celestia ,I need to protect her ...before they get my brothers .....i closed my eyes as I steady myself Into sitting position....trying my best to find some peace inside this madness ....trying to do as sensei taught me .

Taking deep breaths in and out I let the faint wind around me calm me from inside feeling my brothers around my sensei training us ,having celestia by my side all I wanted now was to have them by me ...

Soon I felt myself calm down hearing a wise and deep voice that was amazingly familiar...which made me smile 'my son don't fear ....let the flow lead you ....let the fear wash away ,as you find the weak points of your enemies,that's when you achieve victory and peace ,the enemy shouldn't use your eyes to win ,don't let war drive your pure heart away be strong and have faith,we will always be with you my son .....~'

As I heard those words I tried to understand the message ...I knew I shouldn't fear now I knew I had to be strong ...for them I am never alone as long as I keep fighting for my loved ones and I will succeed in bringing Shade down ,my smile grow as I sighed softly 'Thankyou sensei .....' I said in my head softly before opening my eyes to be embraced by darkness again .

I try to see how many shadows kept me captive around 10 ...with my arm like this I wouldn't be able to take all of them they are sure skilled .....i need to think of this in a better way ...need to get away fast ...the question is how ?.....I look at the shadows ...'find the weak point of your enemy....' those words echoed in my head making me observe them more trying to find what could be their weakness...but what could it be ? Celestia said they were super strong .

I look into their eyes they were grey and dull almost lifeless there seem to be no spark in them ....wait could this mean that ?.......could it mean they can't see ??? What if !??.....I felt my heart beat fast as I close my eyes again hearing what was going around me as I did that I heard thuds from around when I open my eyes I saw the two shadows that were marching on the floor ,but soon made it to their feet and completed .

My eyes field with happiness ....that's it ! I found it ....oh yes ! all I need is to get the chains off of me and fight might be hard but it's our only chance in taking this shadows down .....the ones with grey eyes see through your eyes seems like after all this aren't the strongest shadows Shade has .

Be ready Shade i will make sure to eliminate you .....

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