Hidden Tree

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Leo's POV....

We arrived to the place celestia's brother and friends where, but it didn't look good to me, maybe they chose a place spooky and creepy like this for cover or something I thought, after all that rapidly walking celestia stood still with a really really scared look on her face (noo! I am to late...) she said in a whisper of panic, I stood infront of her with a serious look (celestia it's OK don't be scared your not sure if he took your brother and friends away yet, don't worry let's check it out and see our selfs) I said gently, celestia had told me that fear is the way shade occupied your mind so I was trying to calm her down .

She looked at me with a "I don't wana go in there" face (ok let's go in but don't touch any thing understood it could infect you ok!) she said trying to focused as much as possible on not showing her fear any more and smiled. We claimed the tree where the hidden place was she was in the lead since I don't know the way, she took away some branches I helped her and a door was now clear to see, it was wide open and it was covered with a weird black liquid! With some smoke that was grey, celestia sighed worried (leo careful he might be in there, it might be a trap but we don't have much of a choice) she said as she put her mask back on her face I nodded. We entered the place and was dark pitch dark! I couldn't see any thing, celestia used those round balls that had flash light to clear our way, the whole place was covered with that black liquid and it was really quiet, (he was totally here) celestia said in a whisper, there was another door in the other side this one was closed but also covered with the black liquid, celestia looked at me and opened the door, there was something moving it was breathing heavily celestia looked closer it was covered with a blanket I guess (I'll take it of) I said as I grabbed the blanket celestia nodded (ZANE!!!) she said loud in surprised, it was a boy he was probably older than celestia and he looked completely different, could he be celestia's brother? I asked my self, celestia kneelt beside him and started to shake him (Zane you have to wake up don't give up I am here) she said as she took her mask of and hugged him with tears streaming from her eyes (celestia) I said with a sad tone (cel-les-tia iss t-tthat yo-uu) he said weakly (yeah it's me brother stay with me I'll get those shadow clowns out of you) celestia said as she stood but was grabbed by her hand (noo you should not waste it with me they are to muchh already you'll need them I s-ee you found him) he said coughing out black smoke, (no way I am not letting this happened I can't do it alone I need you!) she said with tears (you are not alone celestia you have a friend you should be careful shade is after you and him, find his family and teach him how to use his wind potential powers) Zane said weakly with a really soft voice (but how I don't have the map) she said and sighed (the village in our house dad's room you'll find it there) he said with a weak smile, some black liquid started to cover him (take care of my little sister for me would you) he said with another weak smile (don't worry I'll protect her you don't worry a bit) I said as I walked to him and knelt (I'll do my best brother I won't fail you) celestia said with a smile (take this keep it with you for me) he said as he gave me a necklace with a sapphire blue gem in it, I took it from him and then he looked to celestia (baby girl I'll be fine don't worry I t--think it al-lready happening I - a-am sor-ry I f-ailed youu) he said (no u didn't I'll do this I won't fail you I'll do my best) she said with a smile he smiled back and the black liquid covered all his body and soon a black portal opened and started to absorb him in (noooo!) celestia shouted, I grabbed her so she doesn't get absorbed too and in seconds it was all over celestia stood there frozen holding her head in her hands I patted her shoulder (I am truly sorry for this celestia shade will pay) I said sadly celestia was broken and sad, she looked at me and then hugged me I was surprised but hugged her back (you are the only one left leo my only hope thank you for being with me I wouldn't know what to do if I was alone I am glad that I found u) she said with more tears rolling down her checks (I am glad that I found you too shade will pay for this just wait will get your family and clan back my brothers will help us and I'll never let this shade mess with our fears ever again) I said as celestia let go of me and sniffed and wiped her tears away,you'll pay shade you'll never mess with my dreams again or others!

A/n: hii my butterflies how are you! ^o^

So what do you think about chapter 6( huh) is it good did you like it?

So the picture up there is how celestia is supposed to look like I tried my best I know it's not perfect ^_^ I am not that good at drawing hands that's why she doesn't have fingers!

I feel that this song goes good with this chapter I think it's a nice song!

I hope you did, plz comment and vote and If you have any questions just ask me okk! ^_^

I'll update as soon as possible...

Love you...


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