Hopes and glows ..

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Celestia's POV.........

My eyes widen when I heard that familiar voice that made me hold tight onto Leo as I shake in fear no ....this can't be happening he could've never escaped that place ! ...not without us ...this can't be real ...he must be messing with our minds .....

"S-Shade ??....." I said trying not to show any fear hiding it all deep inside me as I was snapped out of my thoughts ,Leo looks over I could tell he was confused and slightly scared .........the red glowing eyes glowed  more and evil dark chuckles could be heard ....."is this ?...is this shade ??" Leo asked me with disbelief.

"I don't know this can't be true ,maybe it's him fooling us to feel scared ..and take us to the dark side ! Then he'll come out ! Omg ...this is bad so bad ..." I held my head in fear and breath heavily ...why am I this scared ????

"You are very scared of me little Celestia ....and they say your the strong one ...the only one left ,can't believe the faith of two different dimensions are between your little hands ....depending on you !..." he chuckled making me look down as he mocked me ,I took deep breaths .."y-your not real ....I know your not .."

"Don't you talk to her like that Shade! She is not alone I am here to help her you will pay for making her suffer and for chasing me in my dreams !" Leo yelled at him with anger ...i look in his blue eyes trying to get myself to get it back together ,he held me very close to him ...."Celestia I am here alright don't you worry I'll get you through this it's a promise .." he said softly and smiled at me as he got one of his katanas out pointing it at the shadow that was revealed now .....could that be him ?......

"Shut up foolish turtle ! I have different plans for you ........Celestia dear ...why do you keep fighting me ??...I just want to get out of that  disgusting place come on give me a hand ...we can rule this together ...you'll get all you want your family ...your friends and the power of course....join me give me your powers help me out ...."

"NEVER !!" I yelled with anger how could he??,I could see it move closer to us ,I didn't know what to do why can't I think right ??....darkness came all around us surrounding us ,luckily we had that shield that gave us protection...."we need to get out of here Leo and fast ..he thinks he can fool me ...i am never going to join you ! Not in a million years Shade !" I said with no hesitation I made a blast of wind throwing it over to the shadow which made it vanish I breath heavily .."I knew it ...it was not real "

"You will be mine !...both of you ....you might be free now !.....but soon you'll be mine ......" his voice echoed ....

I look around as Leo swing his katana across the dark mist which made it slowly get away from us ,i sighed in relief....."this was not real ...thankgod ...." I said lowly and look down

"We were lucky this time though that felt quite real it must be what the map had written on it ,it said only those with pure heart can find the tree ....maybe it was testing us !"he said as he kept walking the mist open up making a clear path Infront of us which Leo followed ,little glows appeared as it helped us see better everything seemed as if it was glowing .

I look up at him and nod .."thanks for being there for me Leo ..." I said and move abit closer to him ..I blushed slightly by the warm feeling inside of me ...he just makes me feel okay when I am not ...

"I-it was nothing ...I will always be here for you till the end won't let anyone hurt you alright ?" He said and looked deep in my eyes ,I gave a nod and my eyes glowed abit as he kept walking .."and I'll be there for you too Leo ...I will help you find your family ..that's for sure " I said and gave him a soft smile .

Leo kept walking through the clear path my necklace and his glowed more ,"we must be getting closer Leo ...let's be careful..." I said softly ,he gave me a nod as he kept walking
I hope things goes okay I am very worried ...

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