Dont leave...

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Third person POV....

Leo growled angrily as he tighten his grip on his Katana his eyes turning white as he ignores his pain ......"I will end you now SHADE !!" Leo yelled with anger as he charged over using only his good right arm since his left arm was the one that was hurt , Shade snarl at him as he attacked him making more black smoke come around as he laughed wanting badly to finish Leonardo.

"I am afraid you can't do that turtle " he answer back as a shadow shield appear around him as soon as Leo Tried to touch him with his Katana , Leo was send away with a strong punch Shade was  smirking darkly his eyes turning even more red .

Leo gasped in pain as he rapidly used his new powers as a reflex to avoid the ground , wind came out of his hand as he stopped the fall and he glared at Shade as the wind around him made a shield therefore the blue sapphire stone glowed making marks appear on his body .

"You can't finish me with a punch idiot !" Leo yelled with anger as he gets closer and glance over to the place his brothers and celestia were hiding hopping they can get the spell ready ....he will do what ever he can to stop Shade but he knew he was weak....

Shade raised an eyebrow...."seems like my little cousin already taught you some moves you have unlock your potential already such a quick learner it's sad that I will have to take your powers and kill you ......we would have made a great team " shade said as he licked his sharp long fangs as black marks appear on his body as well with some red veins showing around his eyes going  down to his jaw,his eyes started to change giving a glimpse of black in them as he gave a wicked smile before he took a step and disappeared as he run in supersonic speed attacking Leo , which didn't even allow Leo to see the hit coming , he was send to the wall as some blood came out of his mouth and he winced .

Leo had a shocked expression,he was stronger than he thought how did he even move that fast !?!?.......taking a deep breath he forced himself to stand up again to fight back he wasn't going to allow an idiot like him to win ! For his family he would do anything even if it was going to leave him laying dead on the ground, Leo whipped the blood that was dripping from his mouth while closing his eyes as he saw Shade attempting to give another hit , he tried his best to focus on his moves and remember the teaching of his master ......

Leo's eyes widen when he sensed shade , Shade tried to send another hit his fist were covered in black and red flames the Sensation was cold and dark yet it could burn to ashes ,Leonardo rapidly managed to move out of the way and chose to not use his wind powers ,he knew wind would only increase the power of this flames......"I won't allow you to destroy this world ! You will pay " Leo said with anger as they continue their battle were Leo distract Shade as much as possible .

Meanwhile celestia and the boys were trying hard to focus it was hard for them  knowing that Leo was badly injured was only making this harder, they knew Leo would stop at nothing when it comes to his family but sometimes or most of the time he is pushing himself too far which only worried his brothers and even Celestia who met him only a while ago , it was clear in his actions that he would do anything to protect those he love no matter what !

celestia closed her eyes but she could feel her heart skip a beat as her worries grow on Leo , her chest going down and up in a very fast way as her breathing hitched the thoughts of losing this battle tormented her mind .

Holding her head tightly as she breaths heavier and winced...."I-I ......I cant do this ....." she mumbled as her eyes got full of tears while she shakes uncontrollably.

Raphael opens his eyes glancing at the blue haired girl , knowing this was not the best time for crying "Celestia...snap out of it can do this , if you couldn't Leo would have never trust you with this so stop crying like a baby ! My brother is out there doing all he can so you can have a chance to do this spell ! So don't you dare Fail him ! He trusts you !dont let That trust go down !" he said sternly yet his eyes soften for a minute there "we all believe in you Celestia " he said softly to the panicking girl , her breathing slowly started to calm down going back to normal as she whips her tears and nod...."y-your right .....for Leo and everyone.....I-I am sorry I just panicked " she said taking deep breaths ,Raph gave a nod with a slight smile as both of them went back to focus .

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