Chapter Thirty-Nine: Heads Up!

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"Can you tell me how he's doing."

"You don't know?"

"Don't know what."

"He's entered the Phases, Ava Paige put him in there I guess after you left. I think he might remember you."

"Man, she get's rid of lots of people doesn't see."

"See gets rid of people that's in her way. She tried doing that to me once but then took me back along with Teresa. Your lucky you live out here. You're away from......everything."

"Your lucky you have food, water, a roof over her head."

"But you have freedom, life, you don't have to emulate people, and...... you have one sibling that I bet if he knew you, he wouldn't"

"What do you mean?"

"I was assigned to go find your brother and lead him back to the lab. I didn't listen because my sister is Teresa and she's been with your brother and I thought I should lead them to the Right Arm, but the night we were about to leave, she gave us up."

"What do you mean she gave you guys up?"

"She gave us to WICKED, how I was with them and we were with a bunch of people the can use to find the cure but they didn't get all of us Thomas, Newt,  Aris and Cora with Brenda and George and I think 3 other people were left behind. Then just an  hour ago Thomas came back to get Cora's sister, Cameron and Minho. I decided to stay back and lead them here."

"You should probably get going." 

"What's your name?"


I start heading out the door grabbing a jacket and 2 guns before I head out. I think of Thomas and Ezra what if they reunited that would be the best thing to see. "You wanna come with me?"

"Say again."

"You wanna come with me to find the others and your brother."

"Am I gonna regret it if I don't go."

"You probably will."

"Let's go."

Thx for reading I'm trying to update everyday. See u later!

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