Chapter Twenty-Six: Face to Face

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I bang on the door. "Idiot!"

"Come on we don't have much time till dark before the cranks come." 

"Whatever," I say.

"Whatever!" Trevor says coming up close to my face. "I'm the leader."

"In my world your just like a tiny rat." 

He stands there quietly doing nothing. "Well change that in your world I'm the leader now squirt."

"In my world of dumb heads you can be my leader." 

"You wanna survive you listen to me. Now lets go."

We start heading towards the desert towns. We pass a dead body with his gun in hands. He looked familiar. He holds a gun in his hands. 

"Lets keep going."

It hits dark and we stop inside a building and stay there for the night. I'm stay up later then everyone. I just stay laying there starring at the night with stars. A view I haven't seen for a while.


I wake up to the sound of screaming and a knife in front of my face. What the heck I try to yell but my mouth was duck taped.

All I hear is yelling from somebody's  voice and Trevor screaming "I don't work with WICKED."

A familiar face pops up right in front of face, Thomas? 

"We got another one," he yells.He rips off the duct tape from may mouth carefully. 

"How old are you," Thomas askes quietly. 

"I'm 14."

"If you work for WICKED you'll know my name."

"Thomas," I say. "Your names Thomas you were taken to work with WICKED when you were 6 or 7." 

"They work for WICKED," he yells to the other people. "Why you out here in the Scorch?"

"Were here to find you. Bring you back to WICKED."

He twists something in his palms for a little bit.

"Did Chuck give that to you?" I ask.

"Yeah, how do you know?"

"Do you know who Teresa is?"

"Yeah she's over there." he points to a girl who holds a knife up to Dallas. 

"Teresa!" I yell. 

"Shut-up girl. She'll just come over here and tell you to shut-up."

"I'm her sister you scrunch bag."

Teresa walks over to me. "Bell! Why the heck do they put a 14 year old out in the Scorch? You should've stayed safe with WICKED." she whispers to me.

"No there not safe anymore Teresa.I wanted to come out away from WICKED."

"That's the only way you were safe from here."

"It's dangerous Teresa kids my age are being put some where they call it there new life."I lie. It's what WICKED was doing to the Thomas and them but they got out in time.

"Then you should continue your new life."

"No Teresa, you still don't understand. There trying to get a cure out of us kids. So keeping me at WICKED  won't keep me safe it's only killing me."

"Woahh," Thomas says. "You guys are sister?"


"There's girl me and Newt been talking to she said her name was......."

"Bell," I say. "I'm Bell." Thomas comes straights up to me and does something weird. "What the heck are you doing?" I say slapping his hands. I look behind Thomas and see Newt and another guy talking to Katie.

I run to Katie. "Stop." I yell. 

"How the heck did you get out bloody mate?"

"Stop you guys don't need to hurt her," I say. 

"Don't do it," Teresa yells to them. "She's my sister Bell."

"Your Bell," Newt says. 

I just look up and nod. "I've talked to you before. Who are you?" I ask the old brown dude.

"I'm Jorge."

What they sended my friend Taylor out to play Jorge. "That's not right," I say. "My friend Taylor was suppose to play Crank Jorge."

"Taylor he wasn't suppose to play Jorge I was."

"Then who was suppose to play Brenda?" I turn to see a girl I thought I killed on the helicopter ride to Scorch Lab. But they were only playing dead.

Hey guys thanks for reading my story hoped you ENJOYED. And follow divergent_runner02 and my friend adrea I foregot her name.


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