Chapter Thirty-Three: Back where I was

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Minho quickly grabs me by the shirt. "Were you are the person that lead him here?"

"No. I promise I had nothing to do with that Minho, it was Teresa she thinks WICKED is the best place for all of us."

I get tackled on the floor by 1 person then get tumbled on by 2 more. I notice it was Thomas then Newt and Minho. "Stay down." Thomas says. I stay on the ground face shoved in the dirt. The pile gets off and I get up too. Thomas grabs me by my sleeve. "You're coming with us."

We race to the truck, with all the weapons. I get a gun thrown at me and I don't need to be told what to do I'm already shooting at the people with armor I take a couple down. One starts coming towards Newt, I shoot him but then he got me. A tickle goes through me and my spine, I start seeing stars. I feel my feet start dragging on the dirt and the collar of my shirt being pulled by somebody. We stop in front of a bucket I feel my back lean on. Newt collaspe down next to me. And then I was out to.

I open my eyes feeling myself up on my knees and Ava Paige right in front of me. "You again!"

"So I see you left your partners behind. Your mission was to lead them back to WICKED headquaters."

I look around me, Newt next to me and Minho on the other side and Teresa standing right next to Ava Paige. "I didn't ask for the mission."

I feel the hand go across my face. "Where's Thomas?" Ava Paige walks away.

The guards comes and stands me up and puts me next to Teresa. "You ok-"

"Leave me alone."

We focus on Ava Paige looking around for Thomas."I'm over here." Thomas comes out from behind the buckets, I wish he could've just stayed there. "I'm right here."

I hear a engine roar, far in the distance I see a truck driving our way. "RUN!!!!!!!!!!"

I help Minho and Newt up and Aris and his friend Sonya and Harriet follow. We run to Jorge and Brenda who was in the truck Brenda hands me a pistol and the boys the GENTLEMEN gun, oh well just a gun. I start shooting and reloading, I take down a couple but right before Minho gets hit with a tazer. I get knocked down and start getting dragged to the ship, I try making the heel of my feet stop but it keeps on going.

I end up in the ship the gate already almost halfway closed. Minho is standing right next to me. "Let me go!"

I try reaching the door before it close but it was too late, everyone was gone accept for some.

"Welcome Back, " Ava Paige says.

"Don't expect me to stay."

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