Chapter One

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It began as a normal day at the baby shower...tons of guests everywhere and nearly nowhere to walk. The sun was out and everyone was treating themselves to some delicious looking grub sitting out on the tables as they chatted jubilantly amongst themselves about the brand new baby boy. Empty wine glasses decorated the tabletops. A large pool sat unoccupied in the far corner, the water glistening and reflecting the sun's bright rays like a mirror. Not a cloud in the sky- the ideal day for a fun-filled baby shower with family and friends.

Maybe he had been there the entire time, sitting quietly in anonymity, and maybe I hadn't noticed because of the demands being thrown at me left and right from every which direction. To think such an idol of mine could have gone utterly unnoticed by me (for several hours) completely boggles my mind.

It wasn't until all the guests had left, along with the sun's loving warmth, that I finally noticed him.

My ever-so-blissful and pregnant sister, Soraya, who was sitting next to me, was chowing down happily on some leftover food as she discussed the new baby a few minutes too long for my attention span. My mom was doing the same thing on the opposite side of the table as they both reflected on the baby shower and how amazing everything went. I looked up only to see him sitting there right next to my mother with such perfect posture, saying nothing and everything all at once. I couldn't help but to quietly whisper his name to myself, and a hint of tingly magic lingered softly on my lips after the words escaped from my mouth. Could it truly be?

Unsurprisingly, it became very difficult for me to dissemble my true emotions when Brendon Urie- the Brendon Urie- was sitting only a few feet away from me. His dark brunette hair sat perfectly atop his head in a casual pompadour style and, on occasion, he would run his slick fingers straight trough the strands of highly gelled hair until he reached the ends. His vibrant plaid red and black flannel shirt clashed violently against his ivory skin. Underneath lie a thin grey men's style tank top. I could only imagine the defined muscles that were concealed underneath all of that tantalizingly loose clothing...

He was so agonizingly suave that I just had to get up and leave for a second to recollect myself. The bathroom seemed private enough. When I came back to the table he seemed a bit more upbeat and interactive with my mother and sister. They were all chatting away about Lord knows what, and I knew that was either very good or very bad.

"So, Brendon, is it? Where are you from?"

His pensive expression when my sister asked him that question nearly made me lose my cool.

"I was born in Summerlin," he beamed, "But Los Angeles is and forever will be my true home."

This wasn't going to work out. The fluidity of his voice, the dapper appearance, his tranquil and quite assembled made my head twirl in circles until it felt like vomit would show up as an uninvited guest at any second. This party needed a new game plan entirely, and fast. It was time to intervene.

I walked up calmly to the table and extended my arm to shake his hand. Refraining from screaming or even exploding at that moment was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

"Hello, have we met? I'm afraid I don't recognize you..."

That was also the biggest lie I'd ever told. I would recognize his face from a mile away in a blizzard.

"Brendon," he replied, flashing an exuberant smile. How could such beauty be real? Compared to his name, mine sounded like a disease. I felt genuinely bad even saying it after his name had been spoken.

"Alexandria," I smiled, trying my best to match his. Of course I couldn't. "But you can call me Alex."

What happened after that was the one thing none of us could have expected.

"You can call me whatever you want," he said with an edge, coating the sentence with a slick grin to

(Continue to the next page to keep reading the story- sorry it cuts off at the ends sometimes, I do that to keep the readers reading and because that's just how I roll...Love you all!)

(Also short Author's Note: This entire story is based purely off of a dream I had awhile back involving Brendon Urie. It was a pretty short dream so most of this story is just my own imagination. Enjoy!!! Also, PLEASE do NOT try to morph this story into your own and publish it as your own because nobody likes people who copy other people!)

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