Part Twenty Two

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I felt my entire body fall straight down onto my hands and knees as if gravity pulled me down to the floor, and straight after that, the feeling of Brendon's arms wrapping around my entire body tightly comforted me beyond words.

"Bren," I whispered out softly under my shaky breath,"My back hurts."

Laying right there on the floor, breathing hard, I was so fucking vulnerable and I knew it. He had manipulated me into being submissive simply by using a dresser! He cleverly beguiled me into handing the control over to him without me even realizing it. I was laying there begging for his help....helpless; and that was exactly where he wanted me to be. Helpless. Those steel arms tightened around my body, pulling me up slowly to drag me onto the bed. The shaggy carpet irritated my bruised back so much that I felt like breaking down into tears. He had pushed me into that dresser with more exertion than he'd intended to. More than I thought he would.

"I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to push you that hard Ally, I just wanted you to admit it," he groaned with a regretful frown tinting his flawless features.

"It's okay," I gasped out, "But can I please have some ice or something? It really hurts..."

"On it, babe."

In all honesty, the fact that he slickly referred to me as "babe" wasn't a priority over my aching back. Any other day and he would have faced my wrath for that stupid mistake, though, just not under those specific circumstances in that specific moment. It didn't even matter.

He scratched the back of his neck thoughtfully for a few overwhelming moments while I laid there motionlessly on the bed, tossing the frozen icepack back and fourth between his hands. I was focusing fully on the breaths coming out of my slightly parted lips:

Back out again.
Breathing had never seemed more difficult. For some reason everything seemed to be clamping down on each other- one by one, my organs felt like they were imploding. Damn. I hadn't realized how strong he was.

"Flip over on your back for me so I can put this icepack on..."

For you? Nice touch there, Bren.

I quickly did exactly as he commanded. The soothing chill of the frozen Ice set in almost instantaneously, causing my muscles to loosen up a great deal in only a matter of seconds.

"Thanks," I choked out through a raspy voice, "Feels better."

He nodded slowly and applied pressure to the spot he had assaulted moments earlier. How ironic this whole bedside scene was...him standing over me pushing an ice pack deep into my skin, me laying there flat on my bed allowing him to do so willingly. Vivid images of what the look on my Mother's face would be if she would have seen this awkward scene raced through my brain. And the things she would say...oh, the things she would say if she saw this...

What are you two DOING?

Who is that man?

Get away from him this instant young lady!

But I wasn't a young lady anymore. I was a full-grown adult, and for adults, things like this were okay to do. Normal, even. Plus we weren't doing anything that I would consider to be particularly "bad." He was only icing my back. He was helping me out...there's nothing wrong with that after all no matter your age. I turned a full one eighty so that both of our bodies were extremely close once again, his arms still grasping onto the sides of my torso with a fair amount of force which made goosebumps raise all over my body. His eyes were that gorgeous caramel color that they always changed to when he was happy or excited about something. It was clear, judging by the look on his face, that he was having a major inner battle with himself that appeared to be ripping him up inside.

"Brendon?" My soft voice pierced straight through the silence that consumed the air. My desperate hand reached out in search of his bright red cheek, and eventually discovered what it desired, resting there calmly, finally at ease. Brendon trembled nervously against my hand the second that my skin made contact with his.

"Bren why are you so tense? What's wrong?" I questioned curiously, cocking my head to one side to create a subliminal pleading effect even though I was almost certain of the answer. He simply wasn't comfortable with the suddenness of the whole situation.

"No no nothing's wrong at all, it's just that...I really really want kiss you right now, Ally..."


"What? You want to w-what?"

Well that was...unexpected...

He looked down at the ground, trying to think of what to say to me so that I wouldn't run off. What he didn't know was that there was no way in hell, at this point, that he could lose me; even if he tried to. As much as it pains me to say this, he had me wrapped around his finger in more ways than one. I was all his. And the worst part? I wanted to be in that position! I wanted to be all his. I wanted to let go of the cold, ridged person that I was constantly pretending to be just for a moment. Just for a little while.

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now