Chapter Fifteen

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His voice deepened considerably when he cleared his throat. "Well..." He said with a smile on his smug face (I'm pretty damn sure he was smiling as he said this...)
"I'm actually feeling much better now that I can hear your beautiful voice and talk with you for a little while."

I bit down on my lower lip nervously. Yeah, I bit my lip, okay? He spoke to me unnecessarily slowly, painting a vivid picture with his words like a painter would with a blank canvas with that deep voice and it killed me on the inside in places that I didn't even know I had. His smooth words made me forget for that very brief moment in time that my mom could potentially be listening to me through my door again. I didn't care if she was. Luckily she wasn't, but even if she had been it wouldn't have mattered to me anyway. All that mattered to me now was Brendon and where our blossoming relationship would eventually know, where we might end up in the future if I was lucky enough to keep my grip on him long enough for there to be a future for us at all. So far things were looking pretty good for us. A stupid cellphone wasn't about to keep me from him anyway.

I was dead silent for a long time and I guess it started to worry Brendon a bit because he interrupted my fast-paced thought process with a random question.

"Alex? What's on your mind?"

I couldn't force myself to speak. I had no words. Nothing to say.

"Alex is your mom there with you? I can go-"


That came out just fine, of course. The very one word spoken at the one time that I really didn't want it to come out. It sounded so gruesomely urgent...almost like a plea a worried lover might make if their oh-so-important partner was being held at gunpoint or something. I hated the urgency laced within my voice to my core, but it just bubbled up out of me like projectile vomit. I closed my eyes and hoped -nervously- for the best.

"No your mom isn't with you...?" He sounded utterly confused.

"No. Please don't go. My mom isn't in here with me, she's in her room down the hall sleeping. We haven't talked in a long time and if my mom comes in she'll probably take my phone away again because I had to steal it out of her purse during dinner and-"

"You what? Slow down, Alexandria," He firmly commanded, an edginess attached to his deep voice. He reminded me of my father sometimes. I hated it when he reminded me of my father.

"Don't call me that, okay?" I took a deep breath and tried to collect myself as quickly as possible so he wouldn't have to worry about my well-being again.

"She took my phone away when you and I talked a week ago." He sighed unhappily.

"So you stole it out of her purse?? Why would you even-"

"To talk to you," I admitted flatly. He just sighed and I could picture him rubbing his temples.

"Don't do it again, okay?" He breathed stressfully, making my stomach drop.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize about it Alex just please don't steal anything from your mom ever again. That's a really bad idea. If we don't talk for awhile it won't be the end of the world, Al." His voice seemed to have less stress in it now and that quickly soothed me. He was much more relaxed and his tone sounded more like it always did...calm, relaxed and smoothly casual.

But that's where you're wrong my dear Brendon. I can't not talk to you. You calm me. You're my drug.

"Okay," I said.

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now