Chapter Two

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top it off. The way he articulated his sentences made my cheeks blood-red and hot. I glanced over at my mom only to find she had the biggest grin on her face, along with my sister who was obviously repressing a giggle. What was suddenly so funny? Brendon's comment had caught me off guard, and the last thing I had expected from my family -especially my mom- was giggling when he was obviously flirting...or so it seemed like he was anyway. That was my perception of it.


I struggled to find the correct words. His dark brown eyes were like erasers that had the ability to completely make you forget everything in your brain with just once glance. My mind was now void of all thought...except for one: Brendon Urie.

"Can I call you Bren?" I challenged. That wasn't a very manly nickname, and I'd be shocked if he said yes. His response startled me a bit.

"Sure you can," he replied with a smirk.


"I said you could call me whatever you want, didn't I?"

Mom shot a quick glance at Soraya and they both stood to their feet in an awkwardly coinciding way. I didn't have a chance to see what type of look my mom gave my sister because she was so speedy about it.

"We'll leave you two alone now, darling," my mother chirped happily, that grin never leaving her face. They were both hiding something big, I just wasn't sure what yet. I'd figure it out eventually. Brendon looked at me with a brand new glimmer in his eye that hadn't been there before. All was silent for a long while, and there was absolutely no sound to be heard except for a few small birds chirping away in a nearby oak tree across the street. Brendon ran his fingers swiftly through his short brown hair and adjusted his necktie accordingly.

"Stop that," I groaned at him. Confusion struck his flawless face.

"Stop what?"

"Primping yourself. You look fine."

I quivered the second the words escaped my lips. "You look fine."

It seemed as though the truth and all the crazy thoughts that had been racing through my brain all along had suddenly slipped out in one foul swoop, disguised as one single sentence.

"You look fine."

And he did look fine. Better, even...he looked dashing. Gallant. Perfect in every single way. My comment hadn't shocked him at all, though, and he continued to sit there perfectly still until my sharp words cut a hole through the silence once again.

"Why are you here?"

I had to ask that question at one point or another. We both knew deep down that the topic would pop its ugly head into the nonbelligerent joyousness of the night eventually. He looked up at me slowly and cautiously, deeply saddened eyes meeting mine in one abrupt occurrence. My stomach instantly sank down to the floor and it felt as though waterfalls might explode from my eyes at any second. For a very brief moment, his equanimity wavered. It seemed as though he wasn't even certain of the answer.

"To tell you the truth, Alexandria,"

"Alex..." I corrected.

"Right. Alex. To tell you the truth, I don't even know why I'm here right now."

He didn't know why he just showed up out of the blue at my sister's baby shower? I found that extremely hard to believe. Can't imagine why for the life of me, though.

"Don't you dare lie to me, Urie..."

His eyebrows shot up rapidly and his brown eyes lit up like a thousand fireworks on the fourth of July. A large grin spread across his face, squeezing his cheeks out near his eyes and revealing two adorable dimples just aside the corners of his mouth. I was afraid he might burst out into song or something.

"What? What is up with you?" I urged. His behavior was getting more and more peculiar by the hour.

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now