Chapter Seventeen

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His eyes really did pierce a hole straight through my fragile little soul like sharp knives that just wouldn't ever let up in the slightest bit. I stupidly decided to be defiant towards Brendon by keeping my arms crossed over my chest and ignoring his eerily demanding words. I only looked into his slightly scary eyes for a distinctive, brief moment, but it almost hurt me inside to look into those deep brown eyes of his. Resisting him didn't go down well for me. Next thing I'm somewhat aware of, he has both of my arms pinned above my head by the wrists and his soft breathing becomes increasingly heavy as it brushes up against my sensitive skin. It felt...right.

Move your ass Alex, Goddamnit! Fight back! Now!

I just laid there freakishly motionless regardless of my screaming conctious, focusing solely on Brendon's steady respiration clashing violently against my face...the mere feeling of it playing against my skin was enough to give me goosebumps. Eventually our breath automatically synchronized and, in that lovely morning moment, I felt like I was truly part of him. We just lay there together in a state of peaceful bliss, him above me and me directly below him as his sweaty hands began to shake oh-so-slightly against my wrists. I was enjoying myself immaculately, but he didn't seem to be sharing my joy.

"Brendon...w- what are you doing?"

My voice was unsurprisingly choppy and yielding under Brendon's concrete pressure. An unnervingly devious smirk danced at the edges of his pink fleshy lips as his agile fingertips toyed with the palms of my sweaty hands, tracing every little insignificant line he could find. His hands stayed clamped tightly against my petite wrists.

"I told you to look at me, and since you've so voluntarily decided to be resistant, I'm forcing you to do it now," He ungratefully huffed out at me in a scolding manner.


I tried my best to squirm around underneath him just enough to get out of his insanely tight deathgrip, but he didn't let up and I was no match for his physical strength and mental power over me. He knew exactly how to calm me down and cause me to comply to his steady words, which I eventually had to do for him. He made me succumb to the nauseating instructions he had given me. I opened my eyes quite unwillingly as he had asked me (or told me) to do.

"That's much better," he smirked victoriously, "Now please breathe. In and out. In and out. I'm not going to hurt you. You know that, Alexandria."

Right. Because I've known you for so long now and you're just the most trustworthy person ever to exist on planet Earth. Of course I'll let you climb on top of me and tell me what to do.

"Brendon Boyd Urie I swear to God if you don't get off of me right now I will-"

"Alex. Just let go and trust me," He pleaded beseechingly.

He gently combed his agile fingertips straight through the strands of my tangled auburn hair, pushing it back out of my face as if I wanted it there. I would have put it back in front of my face if his hands hadn't been pressing down firmly on my wrists to keep them glued down to the soft bed below us. But his stupid charming words weren't working out for me anymore. I quickly shoved my boney knee square in his balls with absolutely no hesitation whatsoever. He immediately wailed loudly in pain when my knee was shoved there, letting out an ear-piercing shriek.

"Get the fuck out of my house, Brendon Urie. Right now," I ordered.

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now