Chapter Twenty

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This might be the point where you'd expect me, being the insanely unforgiving person that I regrettably am, to slap him silly or beat his body to a pulp with a baseball bat until he's simply unrecognizable. But that's the exact opposite of what he deserved at that moment. He honestly deserved to be shown some affection for his so called "good behavior" for lack of a better term. He was doing exactly what we both knew I wanted him to do, so...

I reached my arms out and grabbed his collar to pull him in close to me. So close, in fact, that his hot breath danced against my skin freely, playing with my emotions and my rational thought process with every steady breath that flowed out of his nose. Brendon was standing right there in my bedroom so very close to me, you could say, that kissing him was essentially inevitable at that point. It was no longer an option for me or for him. We were so close to having our first kiss. The kiss that he unsuccessfully tried to forcefully retrieve from me earlier that same morning in my own damn bed.

The same exact kiss that made me hop on that airplane with the intention of leaving California forever.

"Wait wait wait...Alex...I mean Alexandria..." He sighed, taking a few steps back away from me. I reluctantly tipped my head upward to look at him, my eyes screaming that of false indignant confusion.

"What is it, Brendon? What's the matter? Oh, you don't want it anymore? Why is that? Because you know you fucked up this morning and now you're afraid, aren't you? You're afraid that if you let me do this, you're going to lose me right away. You're afraid that I'll be right out that door if you go along with it, aren't you?"

He nodded slightly, biting down on his lower lip with pressure as he stared down hopelessly at the floor. Disappointment flooded his vacant expression.

"Yes, you're exactly right in saying that. I just can't kiss you Alex. Not after all that shit that happened."

He swiftly added in a soft-spoken "I'm sorry" to that sentence which caught my attention.

"Good," I breathed out choppily, my cool breath hitting his face. I took a few steps backward and my fragile back hit the dresser that was pressed up against my wall with a significantly loud THUD! noise, causing me to involuntarily fall to the ground, landing on my ass.


"Ouch," I groaned lowly in discomfort, "Fuck that hurt...Jesus Ch-"

Before my sentence could even be completed fully, Brendon was merely inches away from my face and his chilly long finger was pressed up against my lips to prevent me from finishing that unholy sentiment. I was strangely comfortable in his presence. Too comfortable if you ask me.

"Don't say that," He chuckled darkly, "It's a terrible sin according to the Bible, you know...not one that's typically taken lightly either. You could get stricken by lightning for things such as that..."

I rolled my eyes at his dumb comment, not even giving him a hint of a courtesy giggle at his immature humor, so he took his finger off of my lips.

I've trained him well.

"Whatever mister-innocent-but-not-really-that-innocent-on-the-inside. Help me up please."

He grabbed me firmly under the shoulders and gently helped me to my feet again, but not before squeezing his two-sense in there first.

"Why are you so goddamn bossy? Always such a sour puss...jeez..."

"Fuck you. You're the one who's bossy so just shut up."

"I'm the bossy one?" He muttered quietly under his breath. The heels of my Converse did a full one eighty against the shaggy carpet below so that I was looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah Brendon, believe it or not, you're bossy too."

Too? That might not have been a good word choice...

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now