Chapter Four

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gradually inched closer to me step by step.

I scoffed unhappily at his ignorantly conceded comment.

"Well what the fuck am I supposed to call you then!?"

My impolite tone only increased his anger. His hands clenched tightly into balled fists and my heart began to race rapidly as things between us intensified. This wasn't what I wanted, but now there was no longer any alternative choice. It had already begun. But I didn't want it to.

"Brendon," I sighed deeply, taking a single step towards a now fuming Brendon Urie. I'm pretty sure he was about as pissed off by a stranger that it gets, and me likewise. We'd just met and were already bashing heads for no good reason. That's exactly how every relationship I'd attempt to create turned out in the end, only this wasn't the end, it was only the beginning, and it had already gone to shit.

"Stay away from me," he commanded unwaveringly, "And stop calling me that."

Things unfortunately weren't seeming to settle down as expected. Tension was still exceedingly high and at this point I might as well have been rationalizing with a brick wall. The unnerving yet oh-so-familiar sound of silence consumed the patio area once more like a gloomy dark rain cloud hovering in the sky, and I decided to officially call it a night. All the stupid fighting had me beat.

But just as my left foot was about to land on the soft cream colored carpet blow...

"Alex!" an anxious voice beckoned from behind. "Alex would you please just wait a minute?"

Who in the hell did this guy think he was telling me not to call him by his first name because I supposedly "Lost the privilege" and then begging me to wait a minute? For what? For a second round of stress producing yelling? No thanks. I allowed my foot to fall and was halfway done shutting the sliding glass door...but that beseeching look on his goddamn beautiful face made me stop cold in my tracks. He knew exactly how to play his cards and he really laid it on thick for me that night. I knew deep down he was doing it on purpose, and I knew that he knew that he was doing it on purpose, too, but that look on his face was so incredibly irresistible that any girl (Yes; any girl) would have done the same thing. I reopened the door in an unwilling manner and walked up to him very conservatively until almost every small detail on his face was in view. This was a brutal reminder of why I had been so blissful upon seeing him posing quietly in that chair hours before, and suddenly all those emotions of nescient love and uncontrollable happiness came flooding back to me at once. Brendon must have noticed, because his expression shouted bewilderment...he was trying unprofitably to crack some kind of challenging code.

"What's up?" He asked nervously as I snapped out of my daze.


"Come on Alex don't give me that crap."

Time to play the cards right back to him.

"Don't call me Alex, Brendon."

Ohhh. Doubly whammy all in once sentence. Smooth going!

His jaw tightened up but he shook it off before speaking.

"Oh now I see how we're playing it..."

"Do you? Do you really?"

"Yep. And let me warn you, if that's the game we're going to play, prepare yourself for failure" he replied with a strangely cunning grin spreading across his face. That smile...there was no way on God's beautiful green Earth or even in the deepest depths Hell's fiery pits that he could flash his magnificently captivating smile and still not have a partner to hold close. That fired up another question.

"Why are you even here? You don't know my mother or my sister, so how did you find my house and why did you come? Who the fuck invited you here?" I questioned angrily with a sneer. He cringed.

"I wasn't invited by anyone, I don't know your mom or your sister whatsoever, and the address was given to me by a stranger on the street. Just kidding. Your sister invited me."

I truly appreciated his potent sense of humor, but it didn't change the fact that he was still at my house with very little explanation for being there.

"You know my sister?" I questioned nervously. All thoughts of fighting him left my mind. I couldn't fight a close friend of my sister. She would never let me see the end of that.

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now