Chapter Twenty Seven

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I gripped a large fistful of Brendon's fuzzy black hoodie to pull him even closer to me than he already was. I felt his torso tense up between my arms the second our bodies made contact, so natural instincts kicked in. Both of my hands rested on his chest and pushed against his body so that I could get back into my previous position.

"Alex?" He cooed lovingly at me, "everything okay sweetheart?"

"No I'm doing perfectly fine, but you just kinda...tensed up..."

'Sweetheart?' What the hell is up with that?! And I didn't even say anything cocky or hurtful when he called me that? Jesus Christ, I must be sick or something because this isn't right at all. It's almost like I'm a different person entirely ever since I met him. What's happening to me? I'm not myself anymore.

"I'm really sorry, it's not that I didnt want to, it's just that I wasn't quite ready for all that willing touching from you...I'm feeling slightly shocked that you pulled me closer to you. Why'd you push me away?"

"I p-pushed you away when you tensed up because I didn't want to go too fa-"

My shaky, nervous sentiment was (thankfully) interrupted by a plump pair of eager lips pushing against mine. My eyelids sunk down at a slow rate until the only thing I could see was pure pitch black. I wanted to enjoy and fully embrace every second of this kiss because, after all, nothing lasts forever.

Unlike our little uncomfortable incident that had happened seconds before, Brendon seemed to be fully relaxed in my loving embrace this time around. His hand searched around for my shoulder until he found what he'd been looking for. Somehow every time we kissed it just felt...right. It's hard to admit this, but I hadn't kissed very many men before kissing him. With Brendon, It's like I somehow just magically knew exactly what to do when we kissed or got close with each other. It came so naturally to me with him.

My elbow rested in one of the deep cup holders for support. It started to hurt my arm, so I took my elbow out of it and allowed my arm to hang loosely on the back of Brendon's neck. Brendon moved around in such a way that he could get much better, smoother, less tedious access to my lips. It didn't take long for me to back away from the kiss. When I finally did muster up enough courage to pull back, Brendon couldn't understand why.

"What'd I do this time?" He questioned as he playfully rolled his eyes a full one eighty in my direction. I pulled him back towards me by his skinny black necktie until our faces were only inches apart...or less...

"Nothing. You did absolutely nothing wrong in any way shape or form and, in fact, it felt...f-felt amazing. It was just me being..."

God what's that word?
How'd I want to word this?
Oh yeah!

"...ambivalent to a ridiculous and unnecessary level, as usual. Brendon I've decided that I'm fucking done trying to fake and hide my true feelings for you. I need you to know what I'm actually feeling, and I don't know any other way to do it besides this...please don't hate me for doing this Bren..."

Surprisingly enough, Brendon wasn't at all stunned or even the slightest bit confused by my words or actions. It seemed as though he knew deep down what was coming up, bubbling right below the surface, because what he did next caught both of us off guard unintentionally.

Our lips made contact once more, my slender fingers wrapped around the strands of his thick brown locks in one incredible instant of total disregard for repercussions due to impetuous behavior, and from then on everything else faded into useless oblivion. All thought, gone. All cares, gone, with the exception of caring for Brendon Urie of course. Brendon didn't hesitate to kiss right back, and it didn't feel at all forced or unwilling.

In fact it felt that he'd been wanting this for some time now, and for once, I shared his genuine feelings of love without even trying to. There was certainly a bond between us. He knew it. I knew it. And now that I was finally able to show him, he definitely knew that I knew it. There was no taking back what was happening at this point; no "oops my mouth, umm, slipped! I'm so sorry it won't happen again" bullshit in attempt to cover it up. There was no more hiding it.

Brendon Urie knew that I was falling for him hard.

Want to know something even more strange?

I knew that I was falling for him.

Not weird enough for you?

How about...

I didn't care even a slight bit that I was falling for him.

At all.

Mindless actions are irreversible.

Alright guys, so I know this chapter is much shorter than my other fairly lengthy ones, but don't worry because it's all building up to something...I've got a plan...mwahahahahahahahah!
Love you all! Also I'm sorry about all the fluff. The action is coming I promise! Hang in there!

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