Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey Brendon."

Not a fantastic way to begin a conversation at all, but whatever, my entire life was the same way in many ways. Not very fantastic in the slightest form. I was used to it at this point.


He sounded genuinely surprised to hear my voice on the other line; almost as if he wasn't expecting me to actually call him back.

Sorry Brendon, couldn't resist. I know that the last person you wanted to hear from was probably little old me, but please spare me my happiness and at least make an effort to pretend to want to talk to me.

"Yeah, it's me," I said flatly. He seemed much happier than necessary. Hell, it's only a stupid insignificant phone call. He sounded like he hadn't heard my voice in years. It was pretty pathetic if I do say so myself, but of course I didn't dare to tell him that.

"I honestly was beginning to think you wouldn't call back..."

Would that be so bad?

"Oh. I'm really sorry Brendon, I just- I was really busy."

"I understand, don't even worry about it."

"Didn't plan to."

Silence filled the empty telephone line for too long until he finally decided it bothered him too. He cleared his throat meticulously and completely blew off my unintentionally harsh comment as if I hadn't said it at all.

"So...not to be pushy or anything like that, but when will you be available again? I've been really wanting to see you again lately and it's nearly driving me up a wall right now..."

That's something I really admired about Brendon- he was always honest even if that honesty could potentially get him in a lot of trouble. I wasn't that way. With me it was more of a "I try to be honest with you but I just can't be."

"Friday work for you? My place?"

I heard him scrambling through what sounded like papers or something until the noises finally reached a stop and he laughed quietly to himself about Lord knows what.

"Actually, I don't think I can-"

He paused for a moment.

"You know what? Uh- Nevermind. I'll be there."



"Don't lie to me, Urie."

And with that I hung up, collapsed backwards onto my extravagant pile of recently-washed pillows, and began drifting off into a state of deep slumber that I'm sure not even a fierce lightning storm could have interrupted. I think it was easier to sleep that night because Brendon was on my mind the entire time, and I'm almost certain that I had yet another dream about him. Yikes. He seemed really happy to hear from me on the phone and that took me by huge surprise. I didn't exactly think that he cared about a phone call from me. Turns out he kinda did. My mom heard our little conversation, though, and believe me when I say that did not go down smoothly. She took my cellphone for a week so I couldn't call him, and I had no other way of telling him that I couldn't call him besides my phone. Oh, the irony. Not unintentional by any means. I desperately needed my phone. After two weeks, I finally just cracked. I had to get my phone back, and I'm going to be completely honest, it was because of Brendon Urie. Once I stole my phone from a hidden pocket in my Mom's purse, I called him again, but the second time, he didn't seem nearly as happy to hear from me.

"Hey, Bren."

Calling him "Bren" was sorta a huge deal and he acted like it was nothing.

"Hey Alex." Annoyance tainted his deep tone though he tried to hide it with some sweetness.

"H-Hey...uhm, bad time or...?" My tone became pathetically weak.

"No, it's fine. What's up?"

Why was he treating me like some dumb toy? He wasn't even attempting to be kind like he usually was...this was like talking to a whole different man altogether.

"Can you tell me how you really feel?"

For a split second I swear I heard him giggle just a little bit almost too quietly to hear. Almost.

"Look Al, I'm sorry I'm being such a dick it's just that I'm sorta-"

Al? That'

"Sorta what?" I retorted rather cockily.

"Sorta distracted. That's all. Today was pretty rough and I'm not quite myself tonight." He huffed out a loud, deep sigh from the bottom of his lungs into the of those sad I'm-so-tired-of-being-tired sighs. I heard some of his inner pain being released through his breath.

"Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Brendon. That really sucks."

And I really was sorry for once.

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