Chapter Twenty Four

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Her words went straight through one ear and out the other. That annoying voice that I'd heard so many times before- that nagging, torturous voice never failed to strike a chord within me, tearing restlessly at my soul. Great. This was totally what I wanted. My thoughts just wouldn't switch over to my Mother's words. My wandering mind repeatedly continued to trace back to Brendon with every word she spoke. I wondered if he was still in the room somewhere; hiding as best he could manage, I'd hoped...or maybe off somewhere top secret...somewhere far far away from the house (just to ensure secrecy.)

Nothing mattered at all anymore- not the birds gliding through the sky, not the beyond angry look on my mother's face, not the fact that she could've easily found out about Brendon...nothing. Nothing mattered except for Brendon's aptly spoken words:

"Trust me."

So I did.

"Alexandria I swear to God above if you do not answer my questions this second I'm going t-"

"Going to what, mom? Going to ground me like a four year old? Lock me up in my bedroom for weeks until you feel that I've learned my lesson? That old technique might have worked when I was six, bitch, but I'm officially Eighteen years old now, and there's nothing you can do about it weather you like it or not, so step aside."

My foot hit the gritty tile with a loud tapping noise, and I advanced straight past my mom's awestruck stance. She was stuck frozen in place as the weight of my words crushed down violently on her brain. She couldn't even process every brutally honest thing that had been said; not even for a moment could she begin to wrap her shaken mind around it all.

That, my friends, is the one and only reason I managed to sneak out of that house alive.

I'd never dared to call my own mother anything remotely offensive, so blatantly referring to her as a bitch wasn't at all easy to do- wasn't normal. Much of my behavior wasn't "normal" at this point anymore though. The defiant attitude was nothing new but the risk taking was certainly something new.

New age, new me.

The November chill struck me all at once the second my hand pushed the front door open, but that was more than made up for when Brendon's long arms wrapped around my torso, squeezing me tight. It felt like an apology hug paired with a love you hug...lots of emotion hidden within it.

"Let's go's time to get going..." I firmly shoved him out of the way -not without difficulty of course- and headed straight for his car. I loathed not having my own means of transportation, but there was clearly no other option yet. Looked like it was either that Mercedes or my own two feet.

Yep, time for that Mercedes!

Brendon helped me into the leather seat like a gentleman, even though I didn't really need or ask for the assistance. I liked it, though...he was very polite and well-mannered for a celebrity.

In the movies it may seem like celebrities are complete jerks. That's true for some celebrities, but not him. Not this one. Brendon was more than just another rich prick; gloating in all his money and notoriety. Sure, he had an unfortunate tendency to be pretty shallow, but overall, what I saw was a person. A human being just like everyone else. Beyond his infamous rockstar persona all I saw somebody who desperately wanted to fit in with the rest of society...someone who wasn't willing to let fame consume or change him.

"Bren?" I sighed choppily through my nostrils.

"Mmm?" He hummed softly with truly dazzling articulation. Even when he was only making low noises with his damned throat he did it so perfectly. No fair.

"Where are we going?" I curiously inquired.

Please say we're going somewhere far, far, far, far away from this cursed placed that I've unwillingly called "home" for the past Eighteen years of my shitty life. PLEASE. At this point, I'd be happier anywhere other than this place. Get me out of here so that I can start over new someplace else.

Brendon shifted gears and carefully backed out of the empty driveway. The scene was odd- I'd never seen our typically lively street looking so barren. So abandoned. Usually at this early (Ish) time of day, car tires would be squealing up and down the asphalt all day long to the point that it would get inhumanly annoying and I'd have to plug in my headphones to distract myself -and to keep myself from running out there and yelling "GET OUT OF HERE, YOU FUCKERS! CAN'T YOU SEE THIS IS A RESIDENTIAL AREA?! ARE YOU BLIND???" at the top of my lungs.- There was undoubtedly something unsettling about the empty streets, but with Brendon Urie, a world renowned rockstar, sitting proudly next to me, of all people, in the driver's seat of his extravagant red mercedes, my nerves -that always seemed to be working on something- could rest their heavy heads for a while and give me some peace of mind. Brendon had a relaxing quality about him; something good that seemed to know just how to keep me at ease on a regular basis, and because of this quality alone, he unknowingly had become more like a drug (to me) rather than a breathing human being. He was like a walking, breathing, living stack of Medicinal Marijuana.

Eh, that sounds so weird.......but it couldn't be any more true. I don't know how else to put it. Brendon Urie was addicting in every sense of the term. Addicting not only as a result of his unique relaxing quality, but it also helped a great deal that he was unexplainably attractive, and in the sunlight he looked even better! The overly bright sunlight reflected off of the dark lenses of his expensive sunglasses, causing a blinding shine to appear on the lenses. It hurt my eyes quite a bit to look at him because of those ultra reflective sunglasses so I took them off. He groaned loudly in deep discontent.

What's up? did I steal your super expensive sunglasses, Brenny? Oh I'm so sorry. You poor thing. You're so used to receiving everything that when someone takes something away from you, you're not too sure how to handle it. Poor little Brendon. Need a hug?

"What's the matter, Bren?" I outright teased as I slipped the sunglasses over my burning eyes.

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