Chapter Seven

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taken a bullet for him if an armed gunman was standing out there with us? Probably not.

"Anyways," I coughed, trying to switch the subject as quickly as possible. "It's getting sorta late. Not to be rude (please don't take offense to this. Please don't even think for a split second about taking any kind of offense to this next comment,) But what's kept you sticking around? I'm truly honored. I feel like this is the first time somebody actually-"

I cut myself off and closed my lips to keep the remainder of the all-too-personal sentence in side.

He's still only a stranger to you, Alex. Don't go telling everyone your life story...

I inhaled an excessive amount of air and ran my fingers through my long, tangled mess of brunette hair.

His eyebrows settled near his eyes into a confused furrow and, directly underneath that confusion, his dark auburn eyes seemed to be searching for answers; contemplating earnestly every possible explanation for my sudden conclusion of thought. Mid-sentence, too. Good job Alex.

"I'm going to bed now weather you are or not, and there are no more empty beds in the house so..."

His attention wandered off somewhere very far away as I spoke, but somehow he managed to listen and watch something else simultaneously, because he answered right away.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he smirked excitedly. I knew exactly what was going on in that twisted little rockstar trained brain of his:

I'm getting some action tonight!

Poor little Brendon, so unaware. So incredibly naive.

"You're not getting laid tonight least not by me, so get that thought out of your head."

His chin dropped to his neck and his cute smile was flipped upside down, hiding the once revealed perfectly white teeth. He tried really hard to replace the pout with a smile, but failed miserably. Regret tried repeatedly to sneak its way into my brain upon seeing Brendon's torn expression, but conviction quickly took care of that issue. I wasn't about to lay him just because he had those beautiful golden brown eyes and a saddened look strung across his rather pale skin, but I did take his hand in mine for some friendly comfort.

Give him that much at least. C'mon, don't be a total jerk to the poor guy. His intentions are pure.

"Brendon?" I whispered almost inaudibly, trying with a steady voice to stay strong for him.

"Yeah?" He whispered back, lifting his head slightly.

"I'm sorry."

The words rolled off and stung my tongue like liquid poison. It hurt me inside so badly to apologize to anybody ever since I was a kid, and if my mom or sister had heard me utter those two words, their jaws would have dropped to the cement floor in disbelief. Stranger yet was that I actually was...sorry! How could a stranger -even one who's as good looking and flawless as Brendon Urie- lure me in enough to force me to apologize? He didn't even force me, really, because I said it myself on my will. Wasn't like he tied me up to a chair without food or water for months on end to get the words crazy punishment, no reverse psychology or even annoying pleading. All it took was that adorable sulky frown and poof! Stupid little sorry comes knocking on the door with an all access pass in hand.

His lower lip was still protruded in a gloomy pout. I placed my index finger below his chin and lifted his head back up to match mine, his unsettling eyes meeting my calming jade ones. He shifted his head vehemently to the left in defiance. I firmly grasped the edges of his face with both hands.

"Don't you dare look away from me," I breathed choppily. "Listen to me..."

He looked back up at me once again, but this time with rage hidden deep within his eyes.

"Listening," he softly whispered through clenched teeth.

Just say it, Alex. Be brave this time around. He won't bite.

I exhaled a warm expel of hot breath on his velvet skin and his eyelids hid his eyes as he took in a large whiff of my peppermint stained breath. His fingers were still intertwined with mine and we looked at them together as they wiggled a bit. One corner of his mouth was turned upward in a smirk and the other end stayed straight, creating a smile I hadn't seen on his face before. A half-smile; a "deep in thought" type of smile that melted my heart like hot candle wax. Was this some form of magic? To be holding his hand

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