Chapter Twenty One

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(Lol Chapter Twenty One...)
(Twenty One Pilots...)
(Okay...continuing now...)
"Too hmm?" He chuckled loudly from his gut with glee.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, Alexandria, but did I just hear you admit that you are, in fact, bossy?"

I rolled my eyes fully around in their sockets and shot him a rude glance to let him know his questioning game wasn't funny in the slightest. I guess, based off of his actions after my snappy dirty look, that he must have picked up on my hidden message.

"No I did not you asshole. Don't falsely accuse me of shit I never said. You can't do that."

"Oh, but-"

He took a few long steps toward me until my lower back was pressed back up against the brown wooden dresser once again. His entire body was firmly pushing the dresser deep into my muscles, causing them to tense up and revolt against the pain. My hands grabbed onto the edge of the dresser for me to keep my balance, even though I knew deep down that it wouldn't do me much good.

"I'm not falsely accusing you of anything."


I wasn't completely sure what I was pleading for him not to do, but clearly I was afraid of him doing something.

This was a hidden side of Brendon that I had never -and hoped that I would never- have to see. His eyes weren't the same golden loving brown color that they usually were- they were significantly darker in pigment than they usually looked.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Don't start freaking out," he sighed as he pressed his weight deeper into my back with force, just to see how far he could push me; how far he could go before my breaking point arrived.

"Brendon please st-"

"Admit it."

"I'm b-"

It only took one last push into the hard damn dresser before it hurt too much to withstand. It was being implanted so deeply into my skin that the pain was really beginning to get to me. I wouldn't have ever guessed in a million years that Brendon could do that...I mean actually do that. Take the control straight out of my hands along with the air from my lungs.

"I said...admit it," he growled.

"Ok-kay, I'm b-"

There was no more air left in my lungs. It was time to take a breath and get this whole thing over with before the strong wood punctured through my skin.


Please let go please let go please...

The pressure was taken off of me in an instant and my lungs desperately took in a huge gulp of thin air. Before anything else could occur, he was clear on the other side of the bedroom sitting elegantly on my bed as if nothing had happened.

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now