Chapter Nine

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"And he scrawled words on that page

Words I'd never heard before

Words of manner, words of care

Words of neither here nor there

But every single sentiment

That was engrossed onto that page

Took my heart and locked it up

Safe inside his cage."

-Anonymous (don't you dare fuckin' steal that poem...I'll hunt you down.)

A small sliver of silver moonlight shone beautifully through the center opening of my off-white lace curtains, landing in an elegant strip across half of my face. Through that little opening the full moon revealed itself to me.


Like Brendon.

Something inside told me that the full moon was Brendon's secret way of saying goodnight properly. In fact, I could've sworn a velvet voice whispered those exact words into my right ear while my eyes were shut tight. I opened them only to be painfully reminded of the pitch blackness that surrounded my body. With an unamused sigh, I slowly lay back down. I've loathed the dark since I was six years old.

Just your imagination. Just your imagination.

I shut my eyes promptly to distract myself from the stupid childish temptation to leap up out of bed and switch on the lights. Though I knew deep down that the only possible occupant of my room was me, somehow burning temptation still found a way to consume my entire being as I lie there motionless...until finally, I snapped and shot straight out from under the warm covers.


Nothing; just as expected. After that, I can't remember a single thing except for this: dreaming.


My head snaps around to get a better view of Soraya who is wearing a silky, long black satin dress.

"Could you please come here for a sec?" She softly hums in my direction.


I trot over obediently and grab the heap of clean plates out of her hands reluctantly.

"Do I have to?"

"It won't kill you to go out there and actually communicate with some people, Alex. Everyone does it, and it's about time you do it too young lady. You're turning Eighteen in a couple of weeks."

"Okay Mom" I disrespectfully huff out, regretting it immediately after. She raises an eyebrow slightly and nudges me lovingly off towards the vast gathering of talking people. Ewe. Step by step my pace begins to heighten until finally I recognize just how close to everyone else I'm standing. Panic sets in.

I turn around swiftly and shoot my sister a look that distinctly explains my inner agony.

"Go on," she mouths with a reassuring smile.

This entire happy scene is all too familiar to me. Deja Vu. I know this...where do I recognize this odd place from? That gorgeous black dress on my sister, all of the annoying people crowded together like leeches, five foot deep swimming pool, large stack of extremely heavy plates...

Ah, that's it! I'm at Soraya's baby shower!

But, if true, that can only mean one thing...

Brendon would reveal himself once the moonlight began to cover the Earth in graceful, soothing sheets of silver blankets. At least this was predictable. Soon enough the moonlight brought along with it an entirely new character to the whose arrival was foreknown by one and unbeknownst to everyone else. He sits there as elegantly motionless as a statue next to my chewing mother who is really enjoying some leftover baby back ribs. The other side of the table holds a very different story. My plate is completely empty. Not hungry. Soraya's plate is stained with thick brown Barbecue sauce and Brendon just finished up a few ribs himself.

This is where everything turns rapidly from alarmingly predictable to entirely unpredictable. Brendon leans slowly in my direction -so slowly that it's almost as if he's doing it all in ultra slow motion just to mess around with me like the Brendon I know...(so far.)- and breathes his softspoken words directly into my face. My eyes naturally shut to fully embrace it. The coolness feels like a benevolent summer zephyr brushing up against my skin. All is silent. I try to speak because subconsciously I hear him mutter some type of question. Right there in front of my poor mother and sister...he...

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