Chapter Sixteen

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(Author's Note: LONG CHAPTER. Be prepared for a lengthy chapter and some fluff as well...)

When I woke up the next morning the house was very cold and it didn't take me long to discover my agape window. Initially it shocked me...until I looked over to my left (which was usually just boring, useless empty bed space) and saw Brendon propped up on some pillows, laying motionless and sound asleep in a state of peaceful bliss. I wanted to wake him and ask him why the hell he was in my house without permission, but I couldn't; he looked way too peaceful and comfortable there. He looked at home. Plus it didn't really matter why he was there, did it? Brendon Urie- the Brendon Urie was in my house...better yet, in my bed! I decided to use that insanely serene moment to just take him in piece by piece...slowly, starting specifically with his cute messy hair. It poked up off of his head in short brown spikes, lading in random places on the pillow below him. The expression spread across his cute features was one I'd never seen on his face was an odd mix right between happy and uncomfortable, so I gripped his hand in mine firmly and a large smile slowly spread across his face. My curious eyes scanned happily down his long body until they finally reached his legs. They were casually crossed together at the ankles, one on top of the other in a neat little pile of sorts. He always made it a special point to look utterly and annoyingly flawless...even in his fucking sleep. It was rather annoying. I poked his arm once very gently and he sprung to life.

"Hmm? What?" He groaned groggily as he sat up to get a clearer view of his surroundings. His deep brown eyes met mine when he turned his neck to face me, and my heart nearly stopped beating right then and there. I swallowed the spit that had accumulated in that bizarre moment and forced my throat to choke out some slightly comprehensible words.

"Goodmorning sunshine," I said with a smile

He smiled that amazing toothy grin but kept his gaze locked on my most likely reddish face. I tried my best to act calm on the outside as my insides were screaming loudly.

"Happy Birthday lovely girl," he said as he yawned loudly, parting his thick lips very slightly at the edges. That killed me. "I got you something."

I chuckled lightly and said, "It seems to be a pretty happy birthday so far if I do say so myself. You really didn't have to buy me anything though Bren...waking up to you is a present in and of itself." He grinned and looked down at the bed. "How'd you sleep last night?" I questioned with curiosity.

"Pretty damn good in this bed," he beamed as he patted the fluffy mattress below, "and yourself?"

"Better than most nights I suppose. I don't ever really sleep anymore so it felt super refreshing to get some actual sleep for once. What'd you get me for my Birthday? Please tell me it's nothing expensive...I swear to God if you got me a new car or something ridiculously expensive..."

"No no no silly girl, no brand new sports car or anything overly fancy like that. I kept it sort of simple so slow your roll love. It's nothing too huge." Out of his itty bitty jean pocket, he pulled out a thin black baggie filled with something smallish in size but potentially valuable. I took the opaque blackish baggie out of his hand and removed the protective sealant that was glued to the top of it. Inside were two rings; one slightly larger in circumference than the other. Confusion racked my brain.

"These," he explained as he removed the two rings from the bag and slid them into the palm of his hand, "are two specially hand-crafted promise rings. It's not an engagement ring or anything, it just stands as a simple promise: a promise to each other that we're devoted to each other or, ya know, whatever you want to call it. It means that I won't leave your side and you won't leave mine in a friendship type of way. Consider us to be the closest two friends can possibly get." He handed the two rings back to me, and I was almost done slipping mine onto my own ring finger, up until Brendon took the shiny ring from me.

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