Chapter Twenty Five

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"Yeah? So that's how you wanna play it, huh? I must say, stealing my favorite ray-ban $500 dollar sunglasses is stooping pretty damn low, even for you," He hissed discontentedly as he twisted his torso around to face me, his attention diverging from the road. I was tempted to tell him (or yell...) to get his beautiful brown eyes back on the damn road and keep them there, but it was almost as if he'd read my mind, because only a few moments later, his impenetrable gaze was stuck back on the long road ahead, right where it belonged. The way he'd said "you" with that...emphesis...he did it on purpose just to piss me off. It worked. I didn't have any time to really think about it, though, because before I could manage to bat a flabbergasted eye, the car jolted to the left and Brendon cranked it into park.

Uhh no thanks...I've seen one too many Hollywood films to be taken as a fool. I'm going to die one of these days, buddy, but trust me, it won't be on your own countenance...

I solemnly spat out the first words that popped into my brain as quickly as humanly possible.

"Brendon look right now, if you're planning on going all Hannibal-Lecter-psycho-sereial-killer-nutbag on me or something (just watched Silence Of the Lambs. Sorry. Had to go there with the Hannibal reference...) just because I took your stupid sunglasses, I'd rather just leave now before that can happen, okay? Please I'm really not down for this even if it's a joke. Don't even think about it Brendon Urie. I'm not dying today okay? Not here. Not now." I handed the sunglasses back without looking up.

"Really, Alex? You think I'd dare hurt you? Don't try running to crazy accusations and don't, for God's sake, worry..."

His ultra gentle hand brushed a stray strand of auburn hair out of my eyes, so I was forced to look at him. I knew that it was what he wanted and it really wasn't a huge favor to ask after my little breakdown. I'm not sure that I was even really afraid of him, per se, but more of his action. Or maybe not. Maybe the true source of my fear was from some old paralyzing past event that had happened to me when I was much younger- too young to remember any important details about it. Whatever it was that had me shaking all over, I certainly had Brendon sitting on the edge of his seat. Literally. Only one question remained.

"Then why'd you stop the car?"

"Because I wanted my fancy rockstar sunglasses back. Thank you for giving them back..."

"'Fancy rockstar sunglasses?' Really Brendon? Really?"

"Oh, shut it, you mean jerkface. They're extra expensive glasses okay? And they also happen to be pretty fancy. I mean look at them..." He waved them around in front of my face to show them off.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, but...."

I couldn't begin to think straight with his large hand resting on my thigh. Somehow it had made its way there without me even noticing, and I wasn't too sure why it was sitting there at all, but it honestly didn't matter much. All that mattered to me (at that time) was figuring out what the purpose of the idle car was.

"We both know that that's not really why you stopped this car, Brendon Urie. Come on quit the dumb bullshit and be honest with me. Don't make me hurt you. Tell me why you stopped the car right now." He simply chuckled darkly at my well-delivered threat. Clearly my honest words hadn't yet sunken into his thick skull. They would, though...eventually...

"And please, if you would be so kind, take your hand off of my thigh Bren. Now please," I politely requested. It wasn't that I didn't want his hand to be there, or even the fact that he was sitting nauseatingly close to me. It was just that I couldn't allow him to sneak that maneuver in there without any form of consent. I secretly wanted him to ask my permission first, I guess. He sighed, respectfully did as I'd dutifully ordered, and parted his large pink lips to give a response.

"Okay fine, truth be told I pulled over to show you something from my childhood. See that cool wilting tree right over there?" He pointed out a large, sturdy weeping willow sitting just south of the green grassy field where nothing but junipers lay dead silent in the blissful evening sunlight.
To say the sight was beautiful is a gross understatement.

"Yes?" I replied more like a question than an answer to a question.

"That used to be my all time favorite tree ever, up until my ex-girlfriend Mindy broke up with me right there in the shade of that sacred tree. It was officially dubbed as 'our tree', but then things suddenly went sour between us, and after she left me I changed the name to 'fuck you, this is my tree.'"

I quietly giggled at his honesty and firmly gripped his hand in mine.

"Sorry about you and Mindy. That...that sucks. I can personally relate to your pain. I get it, Bren, and you need to know that you're not alone. That type of thing happens all the time to people who don't deserve such me," I reassured as calmly as possible as I reached over to rub my one available hand across his arched spine.

Discomfort struck both of us when my hand reached his back, but more so for him. I sadly realized -once his entire body was literally sitting as far away from me as it possibly could in such a cramped vehicle, hunched over in inner agony- that my caring gestures weren't doing either of us any actual good, so I respectfully removed my hand from his back and allowed it to rest on my leg.

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