Chapter Six

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to potentially get me grounded for the rest of my pointless life? No way! But I certainly didn't question it, of course, because that would be ridiculously foolish. Instead I shot a quick glance at Brendon to see if he had also witnessed the amazing miracle. He was smiling wide at me, thankful, perhaps, that we hadn't been caught doing anything worse.

"Thanks a ton, sis, it means a lot. We really weren't..."

She cut me off mid-sentence.

"I know, I know. Continue whatever you two doofuses were doing before. Have fun and be safe you guys! Oh, and hey Brendon! Long time no see."

Brendon sat up to look at her properly. His eyes scanned her pregnant body and I'm sure he was thinking the same thing that I thought every time I saw my sister: Damn she looks good for being a pregnant lady. His brown eyes widened when her extended stomach came into view.

"Long time no see indeed," he agreed pleasantly, standing straight up. "Congratulations on the soon to come baby boy! Let me know when you go into labor, sure wouldn't want to miss the birth!"

"Will do, Bren!"

Bren? Oh God no...gross...

With that she waltzed back inside and shut the door once again. We were in the clear, so Brendon playfully pinned me down to the ground with the weight of his body. He continued to laugh out loud hysterically until we were both laughing uncontrollably on the ground next to each other. It had to have been nearly 2:00AM at this point judging by the darkness of the nighttime sky. We laid there together for a long while in a state of total euphoria. I wasn't completely sure if the euphoria was sparked by newfound feelings for this guy, or simply just the pleasure of the moment. The one thing I was certain of was that I didn't care. There I was, laying next to a seemingly sweet and fun guy on the ground, looking up happily at the stars and enjoying every minute of it. Who cares if I didn't really know the guy? My sister did. She surely wouldn't befriend a pedophile or even a man who would consider such things as that. Everything was fine. Everything. For the first time in a long time, I felt...happy.

"Who cares how you got there? You got there!"


"We should probably get up now..." He laughed nervously.

"We couldn't have been here long," I thought silently to myself. "It can't be too late."

I huffed unhappily at the bold numbers on my bright phone screen. 4:30PM.

"No way! It can't already be-"

"Oh but it is. Cellphones never tell a lie, my dear."

I felt a strange tingle run throughout my entire body when he referred to me as 'dear.'

"Don't you have anywhere to be?" I asked him with pure intention. I realized that my tone of voice came off way too harsh for the serene mood of the moment, so I tried it again.

"Oh jeez no, I-I didn't mean it like that...what I meant to say was..."

He smiled at me and cleared his throat before speaking.

"I believe you meant to say, 'Why the hell is a slob (such as yourself) still hanging around over here, Brenidiot? Can't you tell none of us want you here?'"

"No, no, that's the exact opposite of what I wanted to say!" I urged anxiously, trying my best to keep him from running off. For whatever odd reason, this stranger had me in the palm of his hand like putty. I didn't want him to abandon me there, and I was doing everything in my power to make sure it wouldn't happen. And the weirdest part? We had met only hours ago!

A smile suddenly spread across his face. I felt my cheeks gradually get hotter by the second.

"What's funny?" I asked with a quizzical tone.

"Oh, nothing," he lied, "It's just...when I made a false accusation about your inner thoughts, you were worried that we would get into another fight and I would leave...and that...well, scared you."

Okay mister expert mind reader...thanks for the session, same time next week?

"Yeah, so what?"

"So I just though it was kinda cute, that's all. No need to be upset or anything. I just didn't know that you really, you know, seemed like you hated me up until that moment."

I wasn't sure if I actually did care about him to be brutally honest. Maybe a little bit, but would I have

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