Chapter Ten

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Beep! Beep! Beep!
The nauseating sound of my alarm clock caused my entire body to jolt upwards and scream loudly like a frightened little girl. My mom immediately came rushing in not long after she heard my loud screech.
"Alex! Alex, are you okay?"
Here we go again, I thought
to myself, "time to play a million questions already."
As expected, the questions just flowed for much longer than necessary.
And flowed.
And flowed some more.

"Mom, I told you, I'm okay. I need some sleep for it would be really nice if I could just have some alone time."

I saw her look at the floor for less than a split second. Her eyes had a hint of
sadness when she looked back at me.
"Oh...okay. I'll just leave you alone then. Sorry about the interruption..."

She walked out after that. I felt a small tinge of regret bubble up deep down inside my empty stomach, making me feel sick. I hated seeing my mom so upset, but especially so when it was over something I had said; weather it be said accidentally or intentionally.
As much as she could get on my nerves- and that's really saying something big, because man could she get on my nerves. Oh, how very effortlessly she could get on my nerves- she was still my mother regardless of all that crap.

"Mom, look I'm sorry, I just-"
Totally speechless.
Soon after, she came trotting back into my room with a little more pep in her step and on her face.
"It's okay honey. I love you," she smiled happily as she bent down to cuddle (or choke) me in her strangely tight embrace.

Suddenly, out of the blue, her entire body went stiff as she held me close. Her arms tightened up even more around my torso as she held a boa constrictor slowly ending the short lived life of its unlucky prey.

"'Mom? Everything okay?"

But It's Better If You Do || Brendon Urie|| EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now